
We (Netflix) built a committer that uses the S3 multipart upload API to
avoid the copy problem and still handle task failures. You can build and
use the copy posted here:


You're probably interested in the S3PartitionedOutputCommitter.


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 10:08 PM, Yash Sharma <yash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is another issue that I was facing with the spark - s3 operability
> and wanted to ask to the broader community if its faced by anyone else.
> I have a rather simple aggregation query with a basic transformation. The
> output however has lot of output partitions (20K partitions). The spark job
> runs very fast and reaches the end without any failures. So far the spark
> job has been writing to the staging dir and runs alright.
> As soon as spark starts renaming these files it faces 2 issues:
> 1. s3 single path renames are insanely slow : and the job spends huge time
> renaming these files
> 2. Sometimes renames fail : spark probably has checks after writing the
> file (not sure) and sometimes few renames fail randomly because of s3's
> eventual consistency, causing the job to fail intermittently. [added logs
> at end]
> I was wondering what could be some work arounds for this problem or is it
> possible to override this behavior and write files directly to the expected
> paths (skipping the staging dir _temporary).
> Cheers,
> Yash
> {logs}
> java.io.IOException: Failed to rename FileStatus{path=s3://
> instances/_temporary/0/task_201704060437_0005_m_000052/
> utc_date=2012-06-19/product=obsolete; isDirectory=true;
> modification_time=0; access_time=0; owner=; group=; permission=rwxrwxrwx;
> isSymlink=false} to s3://instances/utc_date=2012-06-19/product=obsolete
> at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter.
> renameOrMerge(FileOutputCommitter.java:441)
> at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter.mergePaths(
> FileOutputCommitter.java:432)
> at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter.mergePaths(
> FileOutputCommitter.java:428)
> at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter.mergePaths(
> FileOutputCommitter.java:428)
> ...
> ...
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand.scala:115)
> at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand$$anonfun$run$1.apply(
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand.scala:115)
> at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution$.withNewExecutionId(
> SQLExecution.scala:57)
> at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand.run(InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationComm
> and.scala:115)
> ...
> ...
> at org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster$$anon$2.run(
> ApplicationMaster.scala:627)
> 17/04/06 04:41:54 ERROR DynamicPartitionWriterContainer: Job
> job_201704060436_0000 aborted.
> 17/04/06 04:41:54 ERROR ActiveInstances$: Exception in running
> ActiveInstances.
> org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted.
> at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand.scala:149)
> at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand$$anonfun$run$1.apply(
> InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand.scala:115)
> {logs}

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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