Hive compatibility is not a strong requirement for Spark SQL, and for round, 
SQLServer also returns the same type as input, see

> On 4 Jul 2017, at 5:22 PM, Anton Okolnychyi <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding the round() function, which was developed long 
> time ago as SPARK-8159. Currently, the return type is exactly as the input 
> type. That is reasonable, but does not match with Hive. As I understand, Hive 
> produces either double or decimal as output (see here 
> <> for 
> details). 
> I know that some functions (e.g., ceil and floor) were updated to match the 
> behavior of Hive (e.g., return types). Shouldn't it be the same here?
> Best,
> Anton

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