Thank you, Ryan!

Yes. Right. If we turn off `spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet`, Spark
pads the space.

For ORC CHAR, it's the same. ORC only handles truncation on write.
The padding is handled by Hive side in `HiveCharWritable` via
`` on read.
Spark ORCFileFormat uses HiveCharWritable, so the space is padded for both
`spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc` false or true. I was able to test it
in the following PR. Previously, it's blocked by another reason.

It seems that we may choose,
- adding the padding logic inside Spark Parquet reader
- ignoring that for performance/backward compatibility.

Data Source v2 Read Path is merged into master today.
We will change the code base anyway in Spark 2.3.


On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:05 AM, Ryan Blue <> wrote:

> My guess is that this is because Parquet doesn't have a CHAR type. That
> should be applied to strings by Spark for Parquet.
> The reason from Parquet's perspective not to support CHAR is that we have
> no expectation that it is a portable type. Non-SQL writers aren't going to
> pad values with spaces, and it is a terrible idea for Parquet to silently
> alter or truncate data to fit the CHAR type. There's also no performance
> gain from CHAR because multi-byte UTF8 characters prevent us from using a
> fixed-length binary field. The conclusion we came to is that CHAR is a
> SQL-only type and has to be enforced by SQL engines: Spark should pad or
> truncate values, and expect Parquet to faithfully hand back exactly what
> was stored.
> If Spark doesn't have logic for this, then it is probably relying on the
> Hive serde to pad the first case. I'm not sure what ORC does, maybe it has
> a native CHAR type.
> rb
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 5:31 PM, Dongjoon Hyun <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, All.
>> Currently, Spark shows different behavior when we uses CHAR types.
>> spark-sql> CREATE TABLE t1(a CHAR(3));
>> spark-sql> CREATE TABLE t2(a CHAR(3)) STORED AS ORC;
>> spark-sql> INSERT INTO TABLE t1 SELECT 'a ';
>> spark-sql> INSERT INTO TABLE t2 SELECT 'a ';
>> spark-sql> INSERT INTO TABLE t3 SELECT 'a ';
>> spark-sql> SELECT a, length(a) FROM t1;
>> a   3
>> spark-sql> SELECT a, length(a) FROM t2;
>> a   3
>> spark-sql> SELECT a, length(a) FROM t3;
>> a 2
>> The reason I'm asking here is that it's a little bit old default behavior
>> of Spark `STORED AS PARQUET` in Spark. (Spark 1.6.3, too.)
>> For me, `CREATE TABLE t1(a CHAR(3))` shows the correct one in Spark, but
>> Parquet has been de-factor standard in Spark also. (I'm not comparing this
>> with the other DBMS.)
>> I'm wondering which way we need to go or want to go in Spark?
>> Bests,
>> Dongjoon.
> --
> Ryan Blue
> Software Engineer
> Netflix

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