According to the timeline posted on the website, we are nearing branch cut
for Spark 2.3.  I'd like to propose pushing this out towards mid to late
December for a couple of reasons and would like to hear what people think.

1. I've done release management during the Thanksgiving / Christmas time
before and in my experience, we don't actually get a lot of testing during
this time due to vacations and other commitments. I think beginning the RC
process in early January would give us the best coverage in the shortest
amount of time.
2. There are several large initiatives in progress that given a little more
time would leave us with a much more exciting 2.3 release. Specifically,
the work on the history server, Kubernetes and continuous processing.
3. Given the actual release date of Spark 2.2, I think we'll still get
Spark 2.3 out roughly 6 months after.



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