If we can actually get our acts together and have integration tests in
Jenkins (perhaps not run on every commit but can be run weekly or
pre-release smoke tests), that'd be great. Then it relies less on
contributors manually testing.

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 8:09 AM, Timothy Chen <tnac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2) will be ideal but given the velocity of main branch, what Mesos
> ended up doing was simply having a separate repo since it will take
> too long to merge back to main.
> We ended up running it pre-release (or major PR merged) and not on
> every PR, I will also comment on asking users to run it.
> We did have conversations with Reynold about potentially have the
> ability to run the CI on every [Mesos] tagged PR but we never got
> there.
> Tim
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 10:16 PM, Anirudh Ramanathan
> <fox...@google.com.invalid> wrote:
> > This is with regard to the Kubernetes Scheduler Backend and scaling the
> > process to accept contributions. Given we're moving past upstreaming
> changes
> > from our fork, and into getting new patches, I wanted to start this
> > discussion sooner than later. This is more of a post-2.3 question - not
> > something we're looking to solve right away.
> >
> > While unit tests are handy, they're not nearly as good at giving us
> > confidence as a successful run of our integration tests against
> > single/multi-node k8s clusters. Currently, we have integration testing
> setup
> > at https://github.com/apache-spark-on-k8s/spark-integration and it's
> running
> > continuously against apache/spark:master in pepperdata-jenkins (on
> minikube)
> > & k8s-testgrid (in GKE clusters). Now, the question is - how do we make
> > integration-tests part of the PR author's workflow?
> >
> > 1. Keep the integration tests in the separate repo and require that
> > contributors run them, add new tests prior to accepting their PRs as a
> > policy. Given minikube is easy to setup and can run on a single-node, it
> > would certainly be possible. Friction however, stems from contributors
> > potentially having to modify the integration test code hosted in that
> > separate repository when adding/changing functionality in the scheduler
> > backend. Also, it's certainly going to lead to at least brief
> > inconsistencies between the two repositories.
> >
> > 2. Alternatively, we check in the integration tests alongside the actual
> > scheduler backend code. This would work really well and is what we did in
> > our fork. It would have to be a separate package which would take certain
> > parameters (like cluster endpoint) and run integration test code against
> a
> > local or remote cluster. It would include least some code dealing with
> > accessing the cluster, reading results from K8s containers, test
> fixtures,
> > etc.
> >
> > I see value in adopting (2), given it's a clearer path for contributors
> and
> > lets us keep the two pieces consistent, but it seems uncommon elsewhere.
> How
> > do the other backends, i.e. YARN, Mesos and Standalone deal with
> accepting
> > patches and ensuring that they do not break existing clusters? Is there
> > automation employed for this thus far? Would love to get opinions on (1)
> v/s
> > (2).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Anirudh
> >
> >

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