Hi devs,

Stumbled across an interesting problem with the parse_url function that has
been implemented in spark in

When using internationalized Domains in the urls like:

val url = "http://правительство.рф <http://xn--80aealotwbjpid2k.xn--p1ai>"

The parse_url returns null, but works fine when using the hive 's version
of parse_url

On digging further, found that the difference is in below call in spark:

private def getUrl(url: UTF8String): URI = {
  try {
    new URI(url.toString)
  } catch {
    case e: URISyntaxException => null

while hive uses java.net.URL:

url = new URL(urlStr)

Sure enough, this simple test demonstrates URL works but URI does not in
this case:

val url = "http://правительство.рф <http://xn--80aealotwbjpid2k.xn--p1ai>"

val uriHost = new URI(url).getHost
val urlHost = new URL(url).getHost

println(s"uriHost = $uriHost")     // prints uriHost = null
println(s"urlHost = $urlHost") // prints urlHost = правительство.рф

To reproduce the problem on spark-sql:

spark-sql> select parse_url('http://千夏ともか.test
<http://xn--u8jxcyd029o9bg.test>', 'HOST');
returns NULL

Could someone  please explain the reason of using URI instead of URL ? Does
this problem warrant creating a jira ticket ?

Best Regards

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When the winds that blow are merely breeze
Learn from nature, from birds and bees
Live your life in love, and let joy not cease.

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