Yes, I'll cut an RC2 as soon as the remaining blockers are resolved. In the
meantime, please continue to report any other issues here.

Here's a quick update on progress towards the next RC:

- SPARK-22908 <>
(KafkaContiniousSourceSuite) has been reverted
- SPARK-23051 <> (Spark
UI), SPARK-23063 <> (k8s
packaging) and SPARK-23065
<> (R API docs) have all
been resolved
- A fix for SPARK-23020 <>
(SparkLauncherSuite) has been merged. We're monitoring the builds to make
sure that the flakiness has been resolved.

On 16 January 2018 at 13:21, Ted Yu <> wrote:

> Is there going to be another RC ?
> With KafkaContinuousSourceSuite hanging, it is hard to get the rest of
> the tests going.
> Cheers
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 7:29 AM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>> The signatures and licenses look OK. Except for the missing k8s package,
>> the contents look OK. Tests look pretty good with "-Phive -Phadoop-2.7
>> -Pyarn" on Ubuntu 17.10, except that KafkaContinuousSourceSuite seems to
>> hang forever. That was just fixed and needs to get into an RC?
>> Aside from the Blockers just filed for R docs, etc., we have:
>> Blocker:
>> SPARK-23000 Flaky test suite DataSourceWithHiveMetastoreCatalogSuite in
>> Spark 2.3
>> SPARK-23020 Flaky Test: org.apache.spark.launcher.Spar
>> kLauncherSuite.testInProcessLauncher
>> SPARK-23051 job description in Spark UI is broken
>> Critical:
>> SPARK-22739 Additional Expression Support for Objects
>> I actually don't think any of those Blockers should be Blockers; not sure
>> if the last one is really critical either.
>> I think this release will have to be re-rolled so I'd say -1 to RC1.
>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 4:42 PM Sameer Agarwal <>
>> wrote:
>>> Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Spark version
>>> 2.3.0. The vote is open until Thursday January 18, 2018 at 8:00:00 am UTC
>>> and passes if a majority of at least 3 PMC +1 votes are cast.
>>> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Spark 2.3.0
>>> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
>>> To learn more about Apache Spark, please see
>>> The tag to be voted on is v2.3.0-rc1:
>>> k/tree/v2.3.0-rc1 (964cc2e31b2862bca0bd968b3e9e2cbf8d3ba5ea)
>>> List of JIRA tickets resolved in this release can be found here:
>>> The release files, including signatures, digests, etc. can be found at:
>>> Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
>>> The staging repository for this release can be found at:
>>> The documentation corresponding to this release can be found at:
>>> /_site/index.html
>>> FAQ
>>> =========================
>>> How can I help test this release?
>>> =========================
>>> If you are a Spark user, you can help us test this release by taking an
>>> existing Spark workload and running on this release candidate, then
>>> reporting any regressions.
>>> If you're working in PySpark you can set up a virtual env and install
>>> the current RC and see if anything important breaks, in the Java/Scala you
>>> can add the staging repository to your projects resolvers and test with the
>>> RC (make sure to clean up the artifact cache before/after so you don't end
>>> up building with a out of date RC going forward).
>>> ===========================================
>>> What should happen to JIRA tickets still targeting 2.3.0?
>>> ===========================================
>>> Committers should look at those and triage. Extremely important bug
>>> fixes, documentation, and API tweaks that impact compatibility should be
>>> worked on immediately. Everything else please retarget to 2.3.1 or 2.3.0 as
>>> appropriate.
>>> ==================
>>> But my bug isn't fixed?
>>> ==================
>>> In order to make timely releases, we will typically not hold the release
>>> unless the bug in question is a regression from 2.2.0. That being said, if
>>> there is something which is a regression from 2.2.0 that has not been
>>> correctly targeted please ping me or a committer to help target the issue
>>> (you can see the open issues listed as impacting Spark 2.3.0 at
>>> =======================================
>>> What are the unresolved issues targeted for 2.3.0?
>>> =======================================
>>> Please see At the time of the writing, there
>>> are 19 JIRA issues targeting 2.3.0 tracking various QA/audit tasks, test
>>> failures and other feature/bugs. In particular, we've currently marked 3
>>> JIRAs as release blockers that are being actively worked on:
>>> 1. SPARK-23051 that tracks a regression in the Spark UI
>>> 2. SPARK-23020 and SPARK-23000 that track a couple of flaky tests that
>>> are responsible for build failures. Additionally,
>>> fixes a few Java linter
>>> errors in RC1.
>>> Given that these blockers are fairly isolated, in the sprit of starting
>>> a thorough QA early, this RC1 aims to serve as a good approximation of the
>>> functionality of final release.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sameer

Sameer Agarwal
Computer Science | UC Berkeley

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