it was 'retired', yes.

Agree with all that, though they're intended for occasional individual use
and not a case where performance and uptime matter. For that, I think you'd
want to just host your own copy of the bits you need.

The notional problem was that the S3 bucket wasn't obviously
controlled/blessed by the ASF and yet was a source of official bits. It was
another set of third-party credentials to hand around to release managers,
which was IIRC a little problematic.

Homebrew does host distributions of ASF projects, like Spark, FWIW.

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 10:57 PM Nicholas Chammas <> wrote:

> If you go to the Downloads <> page
> and download Spark 2.2.1, you’ll get a link to an Apache mirror. It didn’t
> use to be this way. As recently as Spark 2.2.0, downloads were served via
> CloudFront <>, which was backed by an
> S3 bucket named spark-related-packages.
> It seems that we’ve stopped using CloudFront, and the S3 bucket behind it
> has stopped receiving updates (e.g. Spark 2.2.1 isn’t there). I’m guessing
> this is part of an effort to use the Apache mirror network, like other
> Apache projects do.
> From a user perspective, the Apache mirror network is several steps down
> from using a modern CDN. Let me summarize why:
>    1. *Apache mirrors are often slow.* Apache does not impose any
>    performance requirements on its mirrors
> <>.
>    The difference between getting a good mirror and a bad one means
>    downloading Spark in less than a minute vs. 20 minutes. The problem is so
>    bad that I’ve thought about adding an Apache mirror blacklist
>    <>
>    to Flintrock to avoid getting one of these dud mirrors.
>    2. *Apache mirrors are inconvenient to use.* When you download
>    something from an Apache mirror, you get a link like this one
> <>.
>    Instead of automatically redirecting you to your download, though, you need
>    to process the results you get back
> <>
>    to find your download target. And you need to handle the high download
>    failure rate, since sometimes the mirror you get doesn’t have the file it
>    claims to have.
>    3. *Apache mirrors are incomplete.* Apache mirrors only keep around
>    the latest releases, save for a few “archive” mirrors, which are often
>    slow. So if you want to download anything but the latest version of Spark,
>    you are out of luck.
> Some of these problems can be mitigated by picking a specific mirror that
> works well and hardcoding it in your scripts, but that defeats the purpose
> of dynamically selecting a mirror and makes you a “bad” user of the mirror
> network.
> I raised some of these issues over on INFRA-10999
> <>. The ticket sat for a
> year before I heard anything back, and the bottom line was that none of the
> above problems have a solution on the horizon. It’s fine. I understand that
> Apache is a volunteer organization and that the infrastructure team has a
> lot to manage as it is. I still find it disappointing that an organization
> of Apache’s stature doesn’t have a better solution for this in
> collaboration with a third party. Python serves PyPI downloads using
> Fastly <> and Homebrew serves packages using
> Bintray <>. They both work really, really well. Why
> don’t we have something as good for Apache projects? Anyway, that’s a
> separate discussion.
> What I want to say is this:
> Dear whoever owns the spark-related-packages S3 bucket
> <>,
> Please keep the bucket up-to-date with the latest Spark releases,
> alongside the past releases that are already on there. It’s a huge help to
> the Flintrock <> project, and it’s
> an equally big help to those of us writing infrastructure automation
> scripts that deploy Spark in other contexts.
> I understand that hosting this stuff is not free, and that I am not paying
> anything for this service. If it needs to go, so be it. But I wanted to
> take this opportunity to lay out the benefits I’ve enjoyed thanks to having
> this bucket around, and to make sure that if it did die, it didn’t die a
> quiet death.
> Sincerely,
> Nick
> ​

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