Of course, the hash value can just be negative. I thought that it would be 
after computation without overflow.

When I checked another implementation, it performs computations with int.

By copy to Xjiayuan, did you compare the hash value generated by Spark 
with it generated by other implementations?

Kazuaki Ishizaki

From:   Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com>
To:     jiayuanm <jiayuanm...@gmail.com>
Cc:     dev@spark.apache.org
Date:   2018/07/07 15:46
Subject:        Re: [SPARK ML] Minhash integer overflow

I think it probably still does its.job; the hash value can just be 
negative. It is likely to be very slightly biased though. Because the 
intent doesn't seem to be to allow the overflow it's worth changing to use 
longs for the calculation. 

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018, 8:36 PM jiayuanm <jiayuanm...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I was playing around with LSH/Minhash module from spark ml module. I 
that hash computation is done with Int (see
Since "a" and "b" are from a uniform distribution of [1,
MinHashLSH.HASH_PRIME] and MinHashLSH.HASH_PRIME is close to Int.MaxValue,
it's likely for the multiplication to cause Int overflow with a large 
input vector.

I wonder if this is a bug or intended. If it's a bug, one way to fix it is
to compute hashes with Long and insert a couple of mod
MinHashLSH.HASH_PRIME. Because MinHashLSH.HASH_PRIME is chosen to be 
than sqrt(2^63 - 1), this won't overflow 64-bit integer. Another option is
to use BigInteger.

Let me know what you think.


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