Hi everyone,

I am building a framework on top of Spark in which users specify sql
queries and we analyze them in order to extract some metadata. Moreover,
sql queries can be composed, meaning that if a user writes a query X to
build a dataset, another user can use X in his own query to refer to it,
and we will take care of substituting X with the right data at the right
I am using sqlContext parsePlan to extract where conditions and source
tables from a query. However, I saw that this component doesn't break if I
write a syntatically wrong query; "select * from" is parsed correctly with
no exception given. If I want to get syntatical errors it seems the only
way to do so is using sqlContext.sql method.
However, this method also checks for table existence and columns, which is
something I don't want, since my framework logic might substitute this
values at runtime.

Which approach do you suggest me to use? Is there a syntactical check in
the spark codebase that I can use for my use case?

*Alessandro Liparoti*

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