hi Li,

These results are very cool. I'm excited to see you continuing to push
this effort forward.

- Wes
On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 5:52 PM Li Jin <ice.xell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again!
> I recently implemented a proof-of-concept implementation of proposal above. I 
> think the results are pretty exciting so I want to share my findings with the 
> community. I have implemented two variants of the pandas window UDF - one 
> that takes pandas.Series as input and one that takes numpy array as input. I 
> benchmarked with rolling mean on 1M doubles and here are some results:
> Spark SQL window function: 20s
> Pandas variant: ~60s
> Numpy variant: 10s
> Numpy variant with numba: 4s
> You can see the benchmark code here:
> https://gist.github.com/icexelloss/845beb3d0d6bfc3d51b3c7419edf0dcb
> I think the results are quite exciting because:
> (1) numpy variant even outperforms the Spark SQL window function
> (2) numpy variant with numba has the best performance as well as the 
> flexibility to allow users to write window functions in pure python
> The Pandas variant is not bad either (1.5x faster than existing UDF with 
> collect_list) but the numpy variant definitely has much better performance.
> So far all Pandas UDFs interacts with Pandas data structure rather than numpy 
> data structure, but the window UDF result might be a good reason to open up 
> numpy variants of Pandas UDFs. What do people think? I'd love to hear 
> community's feedbacks.
> Links:
> You can reproduce benchmark with numpy variant by using the branch:
> https://github.com/icexelloss/spark/tree/window-udf-numpy
> PR link:
> https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22305
> On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 3:34 PM Li Jin <ice.xell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have been looking into leverage the Arrow and Pandas UDF work we have done 
>> so far for Window UDF in PySpark. I have done some investigation and believe 
>> there is a way to do PySpark window UDF efficiently.
>> The basic idea is instead of passing each window to Python separately, we 
>> can pass a "batch of windows" as an Arrow Batch of rows + begin/end indices 
>> for each window (indices are computed on the Java side), and then rolling 
>> over the begin/end indices in Python and applies the UDF.
>> I have written my investigation in more details here:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14EjeY5z4-NC27-SmIP9CsMPCANeTcvxN44a7SIJtZPc/edit#
>> I think this is a pretty promising and hope to get some feedback from the 
>> community about this approach. Let's discuss! :)
>> Li

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