I think the point is we actually need to do these validation before completing 
the release...

From: Wenchen Fan <cloud0...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2018 12:02 AM
To: Sean Owen
Cc: Spark dev list
Subject: Re: 2.4.0 Blockers, Critical, etc

Sean thanks for checking them!

I made one pass and re-targeted/closed some of them. Most of them are 
documentation and auditing, do we need to block the release for them?

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 6:01 AM Sean Owen 
<sro...@apache.org<mailto:sro...@apache.org>> wrote:
Because we're into 2.4 release candidates, I thought I'd look at
what's still open and targeted at 2.4.0. I presume the Blockers are
the usual umbrellas that don't themselves block anything, but,
confirming, there is nothing left to do there?

I think that's mostly a question for Joseph and Weichen.

As ever, anyone who knows these items are a) done or b) not going to
be in 2.4, go ahead and update them.


SPARK-25321 ML, Graph 2.4 QA: API: New Scala APIs, docs
SPARK-25324 ML 2.4 QA: API: Java compatibility, docs
SPARK-25323 ML 2.4 QA: API: Python API coverage
SPARK-25320 ML, Graph 2.4 QA: API: Binary incompatible changes


SPARK-25319 Spark MLlib, GraphX 2.4 QA umbrella
SPARK-25378 ArrayData.toArray(StringType) assume UTF8String in 2.4
SPARK-25327 Update MLlib, GraphX websites for 2.4
SPARK-25325 ML, Graph 2.4 QA: Update user guide for new features & APIs
SPARK-25326 ML, Graph 2.4 QA: Programming guide update and migration guide


SPARK-25346 Document Spark builtin data sources
SPARK-25347 Document image data source in doc site
SPARK-12978 Skip unnecessary final group-by when input data already
clustered with group-by keys
SPARK-20184 performance regression for complex/long sql when enable
whole stage codegen
SPARK-16196 Optimize in-memory scan performance using ColumnarBatches
SPARK-15693 Write schema definition out for file-based data sources to
avoid schema inference
SPARK-23597 Audit Spark SQL code base for non-interpreted expressions
SPARK-25179 Document the features that require Pyarrow 0.10
SPARK-25110 make sure Flume streaming connector works with Spark 2.4
SPARK-21318 The exception message thrown by `lookupFunction` is ambiguous.
SPARK-24464 Unit tests for MLlib's Instrumentation
SPARK-23197 Flaky test: spark.streaming.ReceiverSuite."receiver_life_cycle"
SPARK-22809 pyspark is sensitive to imports with dots
SPARK-22739 Additional Expression Support for Objects
SPARK-22231 Support of map, filter, withColumn, dropColumn in nested
list of structures
SPARK-21030 extend hint syntax to support any expression for Python and R
SPARK-22386 Data Source V2 improvements
SPARK-15117 Generate code that get a value in each compressed column
from CachedBatch when DataFrame.cache() is called

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