Relying on kubectl exec may not be the best solution because clusters with 
locked down security will not grant users permissions to execute arbitrary code 
in pods. I can’t think of a great alternative right now but I wanted to bring 
this to our attention for the time being.


-Matt Cheah


From: Rob Vesse <>
Date: Monday, October 8, 2018 at 10:09 AM
To: dev <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][K8S] Local dependencies with Kubernetes


Well yes.  However the submission client is already able to monitor the driver 
pod status so can see when it is up and running.  And couldn’t we potentially 
modify the K8S entry points e.g. KubernetesClientApplication that run inside 
the driver pods to wait for dependencies to be uploaded?


I guess at this stage I am just throwing ideas out there and trying to figure 
out what’s practical/reasonable




From: Yinan Li <>
Date: Monday, 8 October 2018 at 17:36
To: Rob Vesse <>
Cc: dev <>
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS][K8S] Local dependencies with Kubernetes


However, the pod must be up and running for this to work. So if you want to use 
this to upload dependencies to the driver pod, the driver pod must already be 
up and running. So you may not even have a chance to upload the dependencies at 
this point.        

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