Right now the Kerberos support for Spark on K8S is only on master AFAICT i.e. 
the feature is not present on branch-2.4 


Therefore I don’t see any point in adding the tests into branch-2.4 unless the 
plan is to also merge the Kerberos support to branch-2.4




From: Erik Erlandson <eerla...@redhat.com>
Date: Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 16:47
To: dev <dev@spark.apache.org>
Subject: [DISCUSS][K8S][TESTS] Include Kerberos integration tests for Spark 2.4


I'd like to propose including integration testing for Kerberos on the Spark 2.4 



Arguments in favor:

1) it improves testing coverage on a feature important for integrating with 
HDFS deployments

2) its intersection with existing code is small - it consists primarily of new 
testing code, with a bit of refactoring into 'main' and 'test' sub-trees. These 
new tests appear stable.

3) Spark 2.4 is still in RC, with outstanding correctness issues.


The argument 'against' that I'm aware of would be the relatively large size of 
the PR. I believe this is considered above, but am soliciting community 
feedback before committing.




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