Yeah, I can pretty much agree with that. Before we get into release
candidates, it's not as big a deal if something gets labeled as a blocker.
Once we are into an RC, I'd like to see any discussions as to whether
something is or isn't a blocker at least cross-referenced in the RC VOTE
thread so that PMC members can more easily be aware of the discussion and
potentially weigh in.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 7:12 PM Saisai Shao <> wrote:

> Just my two cents of the past experience. As a release manager of Spark
> 2.3.2, I felt significantly delay during the release by block issues. Vote
> was failed several times by one or two "block issue". I think during the RC
> time, each "block issue" should be carefully evaluated by the related PMCs
> and release manager. Some issues which are not so critical or only matters
> to one or two firms should be carefully marked as blocker, to avoid the
> delay of the release.
> Thanks
> Saisai

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