
We were trying to enable spark-history UI authentication through keycloak. 
>From the spark documentation we found out that we can use javax filters to 
enable the UI authentication. Keycloak already provides a java 
keycloak-servlet-filter-adapter which can be used.

I have added the following configuration in spark-defaults.conf

spark.ui.filters org.keycloak.adapters.servlet.KeycloakOIDCFilter

I was facing the below issue while running

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SessionManager

This was because none of the ServletContext in spark-history has 
sessionManangment. I have made the below changes

  1.  Added Session id manager in JettyUtils.scala
               server.setSessionIdManager(new HashSessionIdManager())

  1.  Added session handler for all context -   
contextHandler.setSessionHandler(new SessionHandler())


     *   JettyUtils.scala - at createServletHandler, createStaticHandler and 
     *   HistoryServer.scala - at initialize for /history context
     *   ApiRootResource.scala - at getServletHandler for /api context.

  1.  Placed required Keycloak runtime jars in spark class-path.

Keycloak authentication seems to work, Is this the right approach ? If it is 
fine I can submit a PR.
@Vanzin I saw that you have done some refactoring in spark UI code, in 
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/23302 can you please suggest some inputs.

Thanks and Regards,
Ajay G

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