Thanks Sean, as always, to share your thought quickly!

I agree most of points, except "they add a lot of code and complexity
relative to benefit", since no one can weigh on something before at least
taking quick review. IMHO if someone would think so, better to speak (I
know it's hard and being a chance to be blamed, but better than giving
meaningless hope, yeah I admit I might be another one to do that in another
project) and see how others will weigh, rather than let it put aside and

I guess my target is already simple and targeted since I've only mentioned
SS area - there're not much committers who can review SS area. Thing to
consider is, I have PRs in other areas as well, and I don't have issue on
these areas. The reason of posting it to dev mailing list instead of
periodically ping in Github PR is, 1) ping in PR just doesn't work 2) let
others - hopefully PMC members - indicate a lack on activity on SS area,
and lead some action.

2019년 2월 27일 (수) 오전 7:57, Sean Owen <>님이 작성:

> Those aren't bad changes, but they add a lot of code and complexity
> relative to benefit. I think it's positive that you've gotten people
> to spend time reviewing them, quite a lot. I don't know whether they
> should be merged. This isn't a 'bug' though; not all changes should be
> committed. Simple and targeted is much easier to say yes to, because
> you implicitly here ask a lot of people to assume responsibility for
> your change.
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:38 PM Jungtaek Lim <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi devs,
> >
> > sorry to bring this again to mailing list, but you know, ping in Github
> PR just doesn't work.
> >
> > I have long-stand (created in last year) PRs on SS area which already
> got over 100 comments (so community and me already put lots of efforts) but
> no progress in point of view for being merged unfortunately lack of
> committers' attention.
> >
> > - SPARK-20568 [1] : Provide option to clean up completed files in
> streaming query
> > - SPARK-25151 [2] : Apply Apache Commons Pool to KafkaDataConsumer
> >
> > According to my experiences on previous PRs (including other areas), it
> won't take more than 1 months regardless of size of code diff to merge once
> committer(s) gave a focus on PR and reviewed.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
> >
> > ps. I may agree all committers in SS area could be busy (It might
> clearly represent SS area lacks committers), but I may not agree they're
> involved in DSv2 and DSv2 is the first thing to focus. I haven't seen
> anyone in participants on DSv2 discussions, and most of PRs in SS area is
> parallel to DSv2 so I'm wondering why we try to couple SS area with DSv2
> and restrict its evolution.
> >
> > ps2. Some of above is the part of previous mail thread regarding "Plan
> on Structured Streaming in next major/minor release?" [3]
> >
> > I'm sure I still would like to address other items in the list (or new),
> but without fast feedback it would not be possible. (Maintaining multiple
> of long-lasting PRs make contributors very tired, and sometimes worse than
> giving -1 and providing reason to reject.)
> >
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 3.

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