The reader necessarily knows the number of partitions, since it's
responsible for generating its output partitions in the first place. I
won't speak for everyone, but it would make sense to me to pass in a
Partitioning instance to the writer, since it's already part of the v2
interface through the reader's SupportsReportPartitioning.

I don't think we can expose execution plans to the data source v2
interface; the exact Java structure of execution plans isn't stable across
even maintenance releases. Even if we could, I don't really see what the
use case would be - what information does the writer need that can't be
made available through either the input data or the input partitioning?
(The built-in Kafka sink, for example, handles metadata such as topic
switching by just accepting topic name as a column along with the data.)

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 1:39 AM JOAQUIN GUANTER GONZALBEZ <> wrote:

> I'd like to bump this. I agree with Carlos that there is very little
> information at the DataSoruceWrite/DataSourceReader level. To me, ideally,
> the DataSourceWriter/Reader should have as much information as possible.
> Not only the number of partitions, but also ideally the whole execution
> plan.
> This would not only enable things like automatic creation of kafka topics
> with the correct number of partitions (like Carlos mentioned), but it would
> also allow advanced DataSources that, for example, analyze the execution
> plan to choose the correct parameters to implement differential privacy.
> CC'ing in Ryan, since he is leading the DataSourceV2 workgroup (sorry I
> can't joint the sync meetings, but I'm in CET time and the time logictics
> of that meeting don't work for Europe).
> Ryan, do you think it would be a good idea to provide extra information at
> the DataSourceWriter/Reader level to enable more advanced datasources?
> Would a PR contribution with these changed be a welcome addition?
> Thanks,
> Ximo
> -----Mensaje original-----
> Enviado el: jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019 10:19
> Para:
> Asunto: Partitions at DataSource API V2
> Hello, I’m Carlos del Prado, developer at Telefonica.
> We are working with Spark's DataSource API V2 building a custom Kafka
> connector that creates the topic upon write. In order to do that, we need
> to know the number of partitions before writing data in each partition, at
> the DataSourceWriter level.
> Is there any way for us do that?
> King regards,
> Carlos.
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