Say if we support per-task resource requests in the future, it would be
still inconvenient for users to declare the resource requirements for every
single task/stage. So there must be some default values defined somewhere
for task resource requirements. "spark.task.cpus" and
"spark.task.accelerator.gpu.count" could serve for this purpose without
introducing breaking changes. So I'm +1 on the updated SPIP. It fairly
separated necessary GPU support from risky scheduler changes.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:39 AM Mark Hamstra <>

> Of course there is an issue of the perfect becoming the enemy of the good,
> so I can understand the impulse to get something done. I am left wanting,
> however, at least something more of a roadmap to a task-level future than
> just a vague "we may choose to do something more in the future." At the
> risk of repeating myself, I don't think the existing spark.task.cpus is
> very good, and I think that building more on that weak foundation without a
> more clear path or stated intention to move to something better runs the
> risk of leaving Spark stuck in a bad neighborhood.
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 10:10 AM Tom Graves <> wrote:
>> While I agree with you that it would be ideal to have the task level
>> resources and do a deeper redesign for the scheduler, I think that can be a
>> separate enhancement like was discussed earlier in the thread. That feature
>> is useful without GPU's.  I do realize that they overlap some but I think
>> the changes for this will be minimal to the scheduler, follow existing
>> conventions, and it is an improvement over what we have now. I know many
>> users will be happy to have this even without the task level scheduling as
>> many of the conventions used now to scheduler gpus can easily be broken by
>> one bad user.     I think from the user point of view this gives many users
>> an improvement and we can extend it later to cover more use cases.
>> Tom
>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019, 9:15:05 AM PDT, Mark Hamstra <
>>> wrote:
>> I understand the application-level, static, global nature
>> of spark.task.accelerator.gpu.count and its similarity to the
>> existing spark.task.cpus, but to me this feels like extending a weakness of
>> Spark's scheduler, not building on its strengths. That is because I
>> consider binding the number of cores for each task to an application
>> configuration to be far from optimal. This is already far from the desired
>> behavior when an application is running a wide range of jobs (as in a
>> generic job-runner style of Spark application), some of which require or
>> can benefit from multi-core tasks, others of which will just waste the
>> extra cores allocated to their tasks. Ideally, the number of cores
>> allocated to tasks would get pushed to an even finer granularity that jobs,
>> and instead being a per-stage property.
>> Now, of course, making allocation of general-purpose cores and
>> domain-specific resources work in this finer-grained fashion is a lot more
>> work than just trying to extend the existing resource allocation mechanisms
>> to handle domain-specific resources, but it does feel to me like we should
>> at least be considering doing that deeper redesign.
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 7:33 AM Tom Graves <>
>> wrote:
>> Tthe proposal here is that all your resources are static and the gpu per
>> task config is global per application, meaning you ask for a certain amount
>> memory, cpu, GPUs for every executor up front just like you do today and
>> every executor you get is that size.  This means that both static or
>> dynamic allocation still work without explicitly adding more logic at this
>> point. Since the config for gpu per task is global it means every task you
>> want will need a certain ratio of cpu to gpu.  Since that is a global you
>> can't really have the scenario you mentioned, all tasks are assuming to
>> need GPU.  For instance. I request 5 cores, 2 GPUs, set 1 gpu per task for
>> each executor.  That means that I could only run 2 tasks and 3 cores would
>> be wasted.  The stage/task level configuration of resources was removed and
>> is something we can do in a separate SPIP.
>> We thought erroring would make it more obvious to the user.  We could
>> change this to a warning if everyone thinks that is better but I personally
>> like the error until we can implement the per lower level per stage
>> configuration.
>> Tom
>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019, 1:45:01 AM PDT, Marco Gaido <
>>> wrote:
>> Thanks for this SPIP.
>> I cannot comment on the docs, but just wanted to highlight one thing. In
>> page 5 of the SPIP, when we talk about DRA, I see:
>> "For instance, if each executor consists 4 CPUs and 2 GPUs, and each
>> task requires 1 CPU and 1GPU, then we shall throw an error on application
>> start because we shall always have at least 2 idle CPUs per executor"
>> I am not sure this is a correct behavior. We might have tasks requiring
>> only CPU running in parallel as well, hence that may make sense. I'd rather
>> emit a WARN or something similar. Anyway we just said we will keep GPU
>> scheduling on task level out of scope for the moment, right?
>> Thanks,
>> Marco
>> Il giorno gio 21 mar 2019 alle ore 01:26 Xiangrui Meng <
>>> ha scritto:
>> Steve, the initial work would focus on GPUs, but we will keep the
>> interfaces general to support other accelerators in the future. This was
>> mentioned in the SPIP and draft design.
>> Imran, you should have comment permission now. Thanks for making a pass!
>> I don't think the proposed 3.0 features should block Spark 3.0 release
>> either. It is just an estimate of what we could deliver. I will update the
>> doc to make it clear.
>> Felix, it would be great if you can review the updated docs and let us
>> know your feedback.
>> ** How about setting a tentative vote closing time to next Tue (Mar 26)?
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:01 AM Imran Rashid <>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for sending the updated docs.  Can you please give everyone the
>> ability to comment?  I have some comments, but overall I think this is a
>> good proposal and addresses my prior concerns.
>> My only real concern is that I notice some mention of "must dos" for
>> spark 3.0.  I don't want to make any commitment to holding spark 3.0 for
>> parts of this, I think that is an entirely separate decision.  However I'm
>> guessing this is just a minor wording issue, and you really mean that's a
>> minimal set of features you are aiming for, which is reasonable.
>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 12:56 PM Xingbo Jiang <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I updated the SPIP doc
>> <>
>> and stories
>> <>,
>> I hope it now contains clear scope of the changes and enough details for
>> SPIP vote.
>> Please review the updated docs, thanks!
>> Xiangrui Meng <> 于2019年3月6日周三 上午8:35写道:
>> How about letting Xingbo make a major revision to the SPIP doc to make it
>> clear what proposed are? I like Felix's suggestion to switch to the new
>> Heilmeier template, which helps clarify what are proposed and what are not.
>> Then let's review the new SPIP and resume the vote.
>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 7:54 AM Imran Rashid <> wrote:
>> OK, I suppose then we are getting bogged down into what a vote on an SPIP
>> means then anyway, which I guess we can set aside for now.  With the level
>> of detail in this proposal, I feel like there is a reasonable chance I'd
>> still -1 the design or implementation.
>> And the other thing you're implicitly asking the community for is to
>> prioritize this feature for continued review and maintenance.  There is
>> already work to be done in things like making barrier mode support dynamic
>> allocation (SPARK-24942), bugs in failure handling (eg. SPARK-25250), and
>> general efficiency of failure handling (eg. SPARK-25341, SPARK-20178).  I'm
>> very concerned about getting spread too thin.
>> But if this is really just a vote on (1) is better gpu support important
>> for spark, in some form, in some release? and (2) is it *possible* to do
>> this in a safe way?  then I will vote +0.
>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 8:25 AM Tom Graves <> wrote:
>> So to me most of the questions here are implementation/design questions,
>> I've had this issue in the past with SPIP's where I expected to have more
>> high level design details but was basically told that belongs in the design
>> jira follow on. This makes me think we need to revisit what a SPIP really
>> need to contain, which should be done in a separate thread.  Note
>> personally I would be for having more high level details in it.
>> But the way I read our documentation on a SPIP right now that detail is
>> all optional, now maybe we could argue its based on what reviewers request,
>> but really perhaps we should make the wording of that more required.
>>  thoughts?  We should probably separate that discussion if people want to
>> talk about that.
>> For this SPIP in particular the reason I +1 it is because it came down to
>> 2 questions:
>> 1) do I think spark should support this -> my answer is yes, I think this
>> would improve spark, users have been requesting both better GPUs support
>> and support for controlling container requests at a finer granularity for a
>> while.  If spark doesn't support this then users may go to something else,
>> so I think it we should support it
>> 2) do I think its possible to design and implement it without causing
>> large instabilities?   My opinion here again is yes. I agree with Imran and
>> others that the scheduler piece needs to be looked at very closely as we
>> have had a lot of issues there and that is why I was asking for more
>> details in the design jira:
>>  But I do believe its
>> possible to do.
>> If others have reservations on similar questions then I think we should
>> resolve here or take the discussion of what a SPIP is to a different thread
>> and then come back to this, thoughts?
>> Note there is a high level design for at least the core piece, which is
>> what people seem concerned with, already so including it in the SPIP should
>> be straight forward.
>> Tom
>> On Monday, March 4, 2019, 2:52:43 PM CST, Imran Rashid <
>>> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 6:51 PM Xiangrui Meng <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 10:20 AM Felix Cheung <>
>> wrote:
>> IMO upfront allocation is less useful. Specifically too expensive for
>> large jobs.
>> This is also an API/design discussion.
>> I agree with Felix -- this is more than just an API question.  It has a
>> huge impact on the complexity of what you're proposing.  You might be
>> proposing big changes to a core and brittle part of spark, which is already
>> short of experts.
>> I don't see any value in having a vote on "does feature X sound cool?"
>> We have to evaluate the potential benefit against the risks the feature
>> brings and the continued maintenance cost.  We don't need super low-level
>> details, but we have to a sketch of the design to be able to make that
>> tradeoff.

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