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On Thu, 29 Aug 2019, 13:05 ant_fighter, <>

> Hi all,
> Sorry for disturbing you guys. Though I don't think here as a proper place
> to do this, I need your help, your vote, your holy vote, for us Chinese,
> for conscience and justice, for better world.
> In the over 70 years of ruling over China, the Chinese Communist Party has
> done many horrible things humans can think of. These malicious and evil
> deeds include but are not limited to: falsifying national history,
> suppression of freedom of speech and press, money laundering in the scale
> of trillions, live organ harvesting, sexual harassment and assault to
> underaged females, slaughtering innocent citizens with
> counter-revolutionary excuses, etc.
> In light of the recent violent actions to Hong Kongers by the People's
> Liberation Army (PLA) disguised as Hong Kong Police Force, we the people
> petition to officially recognize the Chinese Communist Party as a terrorist
> organization.
> PLEASE SIGNUP and VOTE for us:
> Thanks again for all!
> nameless, an ant fighter
> 2019.8.29

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