Here are my notes from the latest sync. Feel free to reply with
clarifications if I’ve missed anything.


Ryan Blue
John Zhuge
Russell Spitzer
Matt Cheah
Gengliang Wang
Priyanka Gomatam
Holden Karau


   - DataFrameWriterV2 insert vs append (recap)
   - ANSI and strict modes for inserting casts
   - Separating identifier resolution from table lookup
   - Open PRs
      - DataFrameWriterV2 -
      - TableProvider API update -
      - UPDATE -


   - DataFrameWriterV2 insert vs append discussion recapped the agreement
   from last sync
   - ANSI and strict modes for inserting casts:
      - Russell: Failure modes are important. ANSI behavior is to fail at
      runtime, not analysis time. If a cast is allowed, but doesn’t throw an
      exception at runtime then this can’t be considered ANSI behavior.
      - Gengliang: ANSI adds the cast
      - Matt: Sounds like there are two conflicting views of the world. Is
      the default ANSI behavior to insert a cast that may produce NULL
or to fail
      at runtime?
      - Ryan: So analysis and runtime behaviors can’t be separate?
      - Matt: Analysis behavior is influenced by behavior at runtime. Maybe
      the vote should cover both?
      - Russell: (linked to the standard) There are 3 steps: if numeric and
      same type, use the data value. If the value can be rounded or truncated,
      round or truncate. Otherwise, throw an exception that a value can’t be
      cast. These are runtime requirements.
      - Ryan: Another consideration is that we can make Spark more
      permissive, but can’t make Spark more strict in future releases.
      - Matt: v1 silently corrupts data
      - Russell: ANSI is fine, as long as the runtime matches (is ANSI).
      Don’t tell people it’s ANSI and not do ANSI completely.
      - Gengliang: people are concerned about long-running jobs failing at
      the end
      - Ryan: That’s okay because they can change the defaults: use strict
      analysis-time validation, or allow casts to produce NULL values.
      - Matt: As long as this is well documented, it should be fine
      - Ryan: Can we run tests to find out what exactly the behavior is?
      - Gengliang:
      - Russell ran tests in MySQL and Postgres. Both threw runtime
      - Matt: Let’s move on, but add the runtime behavior to the VOTE
   - Identifier resolution and table lookup
      - Ryan: recent changes merged identifier resolution and table lookup
      together because identifiers owned by the session catalog need
to be loaded
      to find out whether to use v1 or v2 plans. I think this should
be separated
      so that identifier resolution happens independently to ensure
that the two
      separate tasks don’t end up getting done at the same time and
      over-complicating the analyzer.
   - SHOW NAMESPACES - Ready for final review
   - DataFrameWriterV2:
      - Ryan: Tests failed after passing on the PR. Anyone know why that
      would happen?
      - Gengliang: tests failed in maven
      - Holden: PR validation runs SBT tests
   - TableProvider API update: skipped because Wenchen didn’t make it
   - UPDATE support PR
      - Ryan: There is a PR to add a SQL UPDATE command, but it delegates
      entirely to the data source, which seems strange.
      - Matt: What is Spark’s purpose here? Why would Spark parse a SQL
      statement only to pass it entirely to another engine?
      - Ryan: It does make sense to do this. If Spark eventually supports
      MERGE INTO and other row-level operations, then it makes sense
to push down
      the operation to some sources, like JDBC. I just find it backward to add
      the pushdown API before adding an implementation that handles this inside
      Spark — pushdown is usually an optimization.
      - Russell: Would this be safe? Spark retries lots of operations.
      - Ryan: I think it would be safe because Spark won’t retry top-level
      operations and this is a single method call. Nothing would get retried.
      - Ryan: I’ll ask what the PR author’s use case is. Maybe that would
      help clarify why this is a good idea.

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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