I’ll chime in as an actual implementor of a custom DataSource who is keeping an 
eye on the 3.0 DSv2 changes.

We started implementing DSv2 in the 2.4 branch, but quickly discovered that the 
DSv2 in 3.0 was a complete breaking change (to the point where it could have 
been named DSv3 and it wouldn’t have come as a surprise). Since the DSv2 in 3.0 
has a compatibility layer for DSv1 datasources, we decided to fall back into 
DSv1 in order to ease the future transition to Spark 3.

From my point of view, a Spark 2.5 release with a backport of DSv2 _which does 
not remove the old 2.4 DSv2 classes_  would be ideal, since it would work as a 
stepping stone for both the current users of DSv1 and the 2.4 DSv2 classes.

I agree with Xiao that it is likely that the 3.0 DSv2 classes will need to 
incorporate feedback from the community once people start using them. I hope we 
aren’t planning on marking them as Stable as soon as Spark 3.0 is released! 
They don’t seen to have any InterfaceStability marker at the moment in master.


De: Ryan Blue <rb...@netflix.com.INVALID>
Enviado el: miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019 0:54
Para: Jungtaek Lim <kabh...@gmail.com>
CC: Dongjoon Hyun <dongjoon.h...@gmail.com>; Holden Karau 
<hol...@pigscanfly.ca>; Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>; Marco Gaido 
<marcogaid...@gmail.com>; Matei Zaharia <matei.zaha...@gmail.com>; Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com>; Spark Dev List <dev@spark.apache.org>
Asunto: Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 2.5 release

> That's not a new requirement, that's an "implicit" requirement via semantic 
> versioning.

The expectation is that the DSv2 API will change in minor versions in the 2.x 
line. The API is marked with the Experimental API annotation to signal that it 
can change, and it has been changing.

A requirement to not change this API for a 2.5 release is a new requirement. 
I'm fine with that if that's what everyone wants. Like I said, if we want to 
add a requirement to not change this API then we shouldn't release the 2.5 that 
I'm proposing.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 2:51 PM Jungtaek Lim 
<kabh...@gmail.com<mailto:kabh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Apache Spark 2.4.x and 2.5.x DSv2 should be compatible.

> This has not been a requirement for DSv2 development so far. If this is a new 
> requirement, then we should not do a 2.5 release.

My 2 cents, target version of new DSv2 has been only 3.0 so we don't ever have 
a chance to think about such requirement - that's why there's no restriction on 
breaking compatibility on codebase. That's not a new requirement, that's an 
"implicit" requirement via semantic versioning. I agree that some of APIs have 
been changed between Spark 2.x versions, but I guess the changes in "new" DSv2 
would be bigger than summation of changes on "old" DSv2 which has been 
introduced across multiple minor versions.

Suppose we're developers of Spark ecosystem maintaining custom data source 
(forget about developing Spark): I would get some official announcement on next 
minor version, and I want to try it out quickly to see my stuff still supports 
new version. When I change the dependency version everything will break. My 
hopeful expectation would be no issue while upgrading but turns out it's not, 
and even it requires new learning (not only fixing compilation failures). It 
would just make me giving up support Spark 2.5 or at least I won't follow up 
such change quickly. IMHO 3.0-techpreview has advantage here (assuming we 
provide maven artifacts as well as official announcement), as it can give us 
expectation that there're bunch of changes given it's a new major version. It 
also provides bunch of time to try adopting it before the version is officially 

On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 4:56 AM Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com<mailto:rb...@netflix.com>> wrote:
From those questions, I can see that there is significant confusion about what 
I'm proposing, so let me try to clear it up.

> 1. Is DSv2 stable in `master`?

DSv2 has reached a stable API that is capable of supporting all of the features 
we intend to deliver for Spark 3.0. The proposal is to backport the same API 
and features for Spark 2.5.

I am not saying that this API won't change after 3.0. Notably, Reynold wants to 
change the use of InternalRow. But, these changes are after 3.0 and don't 
affect the compatibility I'm proposing, between the 2.5 and 3.0 releases. I 
also doubt that breaking changes would happen by 3.1.

> 2. If then, what subset of DSv2 patches does Ryan is suggesting backporting?

I am proposing backporting what we intend to deliver for 3.0: the API currently 
in master, SQL support, and multi-catalog support.

> 3. How much those backporting DSv2 patches looks differently in `branch-2.4`?

DSv2 is mostly an addition located in the `connector` package. It also changes 
some parts of the SQL parser and adds parsed plans, as well as new rules to 
convert from parsed plans. This is not an invasive change because we kept most 
of DSv2 separate. DSv2 should be nearly identical between the two branches.

> 4. What does he mean by `without breaking changes? Is it technically feasible?

DSv2 is marked unstable in the 2.x line and changes between releases. The API 
changed between 2.3 and 2.4, so this would be no different. But, we would keep 
the API the same between 2.5 and 3.0 to assist migration.

This is technically feasible because what we are planning to deliver for 3.0 is 
nearly ready, and the API has not needed to change recently.

> Apache Spark 2.4.x and 2.5.x DSv2 should be compatible.

This has not been a requirement for DSv2 development so far. If this is a new 
requirement, then we should not do a 2.5 release.

> 5. How long does it take? Is it possible before 3.0.0-preview? Who will work 
> on that backporting?

As I said, I'm already going to do this work, so I'm offering to release it to 
the community. I don't know how long it will take, but this work and 
3.0-preview are not mutually exclusive.

> 6. Is this meaningful if 2.5 and 3.1 become different again too soon (in 2020 
> Summer)?

It is useful to me, so I assume it is useful to others.

I also think it is unlikely that 3.1 will need to make API changes to DSv2. 
There may be some bugs found, but I don't think we will break API compatibility 
so quickly. Most of the changes to the API will require only additions.

> If you have a working branch, please share with us.

I don't have a branch to share.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 6:47 PM Dongjoon Hyun 
<dongjoon.h...@gmail.com<mailto:dongjoon.h...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi, Ryan.

This thread has many replied as you see. That is the evidence that the 
community is interested in your suggestion a lot.

> I'm offering to help build a stable release without breaking changes. But if 
> there is no community interest in it, I'm happy to drop this.

In this thread, the root cause of the disagreement is due to the lack of 
supporting evidence for your claims.

1. Is DSv2 stable in `master`?
2. If then, what subset of DSv2 patches does Ryan is suggesting backporting?
3. How much those backporting DSv2 patches looks differently in `branch-2.4`?
4. What does he mean by `without breaking changes? Is it technically feasible?
    Apache Spark 2.4.x and 2.5.x DSv2 should be compatible. (Not between 2.5.x 
DSv2 and 3.0.0 DSv2)
5. How long does it take? Is it possible before 3.0.0-preview? Who will work on 
that backporting?
6. Is this meaningful if 2.5 and 3.1 become different again too soon (in 2020 

We are SW engineers.
If you have a working branch, please share with us.
It will help us understand your suggestion and this discussion.
We can help you verify that branch achieves your goal.
The branch is tested already, isn't it?


On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 10:44 AM Holden Karau 
<hol...@pigscanfly.ca<mailto:hol...@pigscanfly.ca>> wrote:
I would personally love to see us provide a gentle migration path to Spark 3 
especially if much of the work is already going to happen anyways.

Maybe giving it a different name (eg something like Spark-2-to-3-transitional) 
would make it more clear about its intended purpose and encourage folks to move 
to 3 when they can?

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 9:17 AM Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com.invalid<mailto:rb...@netflix.com.invalid>> wrote:
My understanding is that 3.0-preview is not going to be a production-ready 
release. For those of us that have been using backports of DSv2 in production, 
that doesn't help.

It also doesn't help as a stepping stone because users would need to handle all 
of the incompatible changes in 3.0. Using 3.0-preview would be an unstable 
release with breaking changes instead of a stable release without the breaking 

I'm offering to help build a stable release without breaking changes. But if 
there is no community interest in it, I'm happy to drop this.

On Sun, Sep 22, 2019 at 6:39 PM Hyukjin Kwon 
<gurwls...@gmail.com<mailto:gurwls...@gmail.com>> wrote:
+1 for Matei's as well.
On Sun, 22 Sep 2019, 14:59 Marco Gaido, 
<marcogaid...@gmail.com<mailto:marcogaid...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I agree with Matei too.


Il giorno dom 22 set 2019 alle ore 03:44 Dongjoon Hyun 
<dongjoon.h...@gmail.com<mailto:dongjoon.h...@gmail.com>> ha scritto:
+1 for Matei's suggestion!


On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 5:44 PM Matei Zaharia 
<matei.zaha...@gmail.com<mailto:matei.zaha...@gmail.com>> wrote:
If the goal is to get people to try the DSv2 API and build DSv2 data sources, 
can we recommend the 3.0-preview release for this? That would get people 
shifting to 3.0 faster, which is probably better overall compared to 
maintaining two major versions. There’s not that much else changing in 3.0 if 
you already want to update your Java version.

On Sep 21, 2019, at 2:45 PM, Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com.INVALID<mailto:rb...@netflix.com.INVALID>> wrote:

> If you insist we shouldn't change the unstable temporary API in 3.x . . .

Not what I'm saying at all. I said we should carefully consider whether a 
breaking change is the right decision in the 3.x line.

All I'm suggesting is that we can make a 2.5 release with the feature and an 
API that is the same as the one in 3.0.

> I also don't get this backporting a giant feature to 2.x line

I am planning to do this so we can use DSv2 before 3.0 is released. Then we can 
have a source implementation that works in both 2.x and 3.0 to make the 
transition easier. Since I'm already doing the work, I'm offering to share it 
with the community.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 2:36 PM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:

Because for example we'd need to move the location of InternalRow, breaking the 
package name. If you insist we shouldn't change the unstable temporary API in 
3.x to maintain compatibility with 3.0, which is totally different from my 
understanding of the situation when you exposed it, then I'd say we should gate 
3.0 on having a stable row interface.

I also don't get this backporting a giant feature to 2.x line ... as suggested 
by others in the thread, DSv2 would be one of the main reasons people upgrade 
to 3.0. What's so special about DSv2 that we are doing this? Why not abandoning 
3.0 entirely and backport all the features to 2.x?

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 2:31 PM, Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com<mailto:rb...@netflix.com>> wrote:
Why would that require an incompatible change?

We *could* make an incompatible change and remove support for InternalRow, but 
I think we would want to carefully consider whether that is the right decision. 
And in any case, we would be able to keep 2.5 and 3.0 compatible, which is the 
main goal.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 2:28 PM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:
How would you not make incompatible changes in 3.x? As discussed the 
InternalRow API is not stable and needs to change.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 2:27 PM Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com<mailto:rb...@netflix.com>> wrote:
> Making downstream to diverge their implementation heavily between minor 
> versions (say, 2.4 vs 2.5) wouldn't be a good experience

You're right that the API has been evolving in the 2.x line. But, it is now 
reasonably stable with respect to the current feature set and we should not 
need to break compatibility in the 3.x line. Because we have reached our goals 
for the 3.0 release, we can backport at least those features to 2.x and 
confidently have an API that works in both a 2.x release and is compatible with 
3.0, if not 3.1 and later releases as well.

> I'd rather say preparation of Spark 2.5 should be started after Spark 3.0 is 
> officially released

The reason I'm suggesting this is that I'm already going to do the work to 
backport the 3.0 release features to 2.4. I've been asked by several people 
when DSv2 will be released, so I know there is a lot of interest in making this 
available sooner than 3.0. If I'm already doing the work, then I'd be happy to 
share that with the community.

I don't see why 2.5 and 3.0 are mutually exclusive. We can work on 2.5 while 
preparing the 3.0 preview and fixing bugs. For DSv2, the work is about complete 
so we can easily release the same set of features and API in 2.5 and 3.0.

If we decide for some reason to wait until after 3.0 is released, I don't know 
that there is much value in a 2.5. The purpose is to be a step toward 3.0, and 
releasing that step after 3.0 doesn't seem helpful to me. It also wouldn't get 
these features out any sooner than 3.0, as a 2.5 release probably would, given 
the work needed to validate the incompatible changes in 3.0.

> DSv2 change would be the major backward incompatibility which Spark 2.x users 
> may hesitate to upgrade

As I pointed out, DSv2 has been changing in the 2.x line, so this is expected. 
I don't think it will need incompatible changes in the 3.x line.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 9:25 PM Jungtaek Lim 
<kabh...@gmail.com<mailto:kabh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Just 2 cents, I haven't tracked the change of DSv2 (though I needed to deal 
with this as the change made confusion on my PRs...), but my bet is that DSv2 
would be already changed in incompatible way, at least who works for custom 
DataSource. Making downstream to diverge their implementation heavily between 
minor versions (say, 2.4 vs 2.5) wouldn't be a good experience - especially we 
are not completely closed the chance to further modify DSv2, and the change 
could be backward incompatible.

If we really want to bring the DSv2 change to 2.x version line to let end users 
avoid forcing to upgrade Spark 3.x to enjoy new DSv2, I'd rather say 
preparation of Spark 2.5 should be started after Spark 3.0 is officially 
released, honestly even later than that, say, getting some reports from Spark 
3.0 about DSv2 so that we feel DSv2 is OK. I hope we don't make Spark 2.5 be a 
kind of "tech-preview" which Spark 2.4 users may be frustrated to upgrade to 
next minor version.

Btw, do we have any specific target users for this? Personally DSv2 change 
would be the major backward incompatibility which Spark 2.x users may hesitate 
to upgrade, so they might be already prepared to migrate to Spark 3.0 if they 
are prepared to migrate to new DSv2.

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 12:46 PM Dongjoon Hyun 
<dongjoon.h...@gmail.com<mailto:dongjoon.h...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Do you mean you want to have a breaking API change between 3.0 and 3.1?
I believe we follow Semantic Versioning ( 
https://spark.apache.org/versioning-policy.html ).

> We just won’t add any breaking changes before 3.1.


On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:48 AM Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com.invalid<mailto:rb...@netflix.com.invalid>> wrote:

I don’t think we need to gate a 3.0 release on making a more stable version of 

Sounds like we agree, then. We will use it for 3.0, but there are known 
problems with it.

Thinking we’d have dsv2 working in both 3.x (which will change and progress 
towards more stable, but will have to break certain APIs) and 2.x seems like a 
false premise.

Why do you think we will need to break certain APIs before 3.0?

I’m only suggesting that we release the same support in a 2.5 release that we 
do in 3.0. Since we are nearly finished with the 3.0 goals, it seems like we 
can certainly do that. We just won’t add any breaking changes before 3.1.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:39 AM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:
I don't think we need to gate a 3.0 release on making a more stable version of 
InternalRow, but thinking we'd have dsv2 working in both 3.x (which will change 
and progress towards more stable, but will have to break certain APIs) and 2.x 
seems like a false premise.

To point out some problems with InternalRow that you think are already 
pragmatic and stable:

The class is in catalyst, which states: 

* Catalyst is a library for manipulating relational query plans.  All classes 
in catalyst are
* considered an internal API to Spark SQL and are subject to change between 
minor releases.

There is no even any annotation on the interface.

The entire dependency chain were created to be private, and tightly coupled 
with internal implementations. For example,


* A UTF-8 String for internal Spark use.
* <p>
* A String encoded in UTF-8 as an Array[Byte], which can be used for comparison,
* search, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 for details.
* <p>
* Note: This is not designed for general use cases, should not be used outside 


(which again is in catalyst package)

If you want to argue this way, you might as well argue we should make the 
entire catalyst package public to be pragmatic and not allow any changes.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:32 AM, Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com<mailto:rb...@netflix.com>> wrote:

When you created the PR to make InternalRow public

This isn’t quite accurate. The change I made was to use InternalRow instead of 
UnsafeRow, which is a specific implementation of InternalRow. Exposing this API 
has always been a part of DSv2 and while both you and I did some work to avoid 
this, we are still in the phase of starting with that API.

Note that any change to InternalRow would be very costly to implement because 
this interface is widely used. That is why I think we can certainly consider it 
stable enough to use here, and that’s probably why UnsafeRow was part of the 
original proposal.

In any case, the goal for 3.0 was not to replace the use of InternalRow, it was 
to get the majority of SQL working on top of the interface added after 2.4. 
That’s done and stable, so I think a 2.5 release with it is also reasonable.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:23 AM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:
To push back, while I agree we should not drastically change "InternalRow", 
there are a lot of changes that need to happen to make it stable. For example, 
none of the publicly exposed interfaces should be in the Catalyst package or 
the unsafe package. External implementations should be decoupled from the 
internal implementations, with cheap ways to convert back and forth.

When you created the PR to make InternalRow public, the understanding was to 
work towards making it stable in the future, assuming we will start with an 
unstable API temporarily. You can't just make a bunch internal APIs tightly 
coupled with other internal pieces public and stable and call it a day, just 
because it happen to satisfy some use cases temporarily assuming the rest of 
Spark doesn't change.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:19 AM, Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com<mailto:rb...@netflix.com>> wrote:
> DSv2 is far from stable right?

No, I think it is reasonably stable and very close to being ready for a release.

> All the actual data types are unstable and you guys have completely ignored 
> that.

I think what you're referring to is the use of `InternalRow`. That's a stable 
API and there has been no work to avoid using it. In any case, I don't think 
that anyone is suggesting that we delay 3.0 until a replacement for 
`InternalRow` is added, right?

While I understand the motivation for a better solution here, I think the 
pragmatic solution is to continue using `InternalRow`.

> If the goal is to make DSv2 work across 3.x and 2.x, that seems too invasive 
> of a change to backport once you consider the parts needed to make dsv2 
> stable.

I believe that those of us working on DSv2 are confident about the current 
stability. We set goals for what to get into the 3.0 release months ago and 
have very nearly reached the point where we are ready for that release.

I don't think instability would be a problem in maintaining compatibility 
between the 2.5 version and the 3.0 version. If we find that we need to make 
API changes (other than additions) then we can make those in the 3.1 release. 
Because the goals we set for the 3.0 release have been reached with the current 
API and if we are ready to release 3.0, we can release a 2.5 with the same API.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:05 AM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:
DSv2 is far from stable right? All the actual data types are unstable and you 
guys have completely ignored that. We'd need to work on that and that will be a 
breaking change. If the goal is to make DSv2 work across 3.x and 2.x, that 
seems too invasive of a change to backport once you consider the parts needed 
to make dsv2 stable.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 10:47 AM, Ryan Blue 
<rb...@netflix.com.invalid<mailto:rb...@netflix.com.invalid>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

In the DSv2 sync this week, we talked about a possible Spark 2.5 release based 
on the latest Spark 2.4, but with DSv2 and Java 11 support added.

A Spark 2.5 release with these two additions will help people migrate to Spark 
3.0 when it is released because they will be able to use a single 
implementation for DSv2 sources that works in both 2.5 and 3.0. Similarly, 
upgrading to 3.0 won't also require also updating to Java 11 because users 
could update to Java 11 with the 2.5 release and have fewer major changes.

Another reason to consider a 2.5 release is that many people are interested in 
a release with the latest DSv2 API and support for DSv2 SQL. I'm already going 
to be backporting DSv2 support to the Spark 2.4 line, so it makes sense to 
share this work with the community.

This release line would just consist of backports like DSv2 and Java 11 that 
assist compatibility, to keep the scope of the release small. The purpose is to 
assist people moving to 3.0 and not distract from the 3.0 release.

Would a Spark 2.5 release help anyone else? Are there any concerns about this 


Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Name : Jungtaek Lim
Blog : http://medium.com/@heartsavior
Twitter : http://twitter.com/heartsavior
LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/heartsavior

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Ryan Blue
Twitter: https://twitter.com/holdenkarau
Books (Learning Spark, High Performance Spark, etc.): https://amzn.to/2MaRAG9 
YouTube Live Streams: https://www.youtube.com/user/holdenkarau

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

Name : Jungtaek Lim
Blog : http://medium.com/@heartsavior
Twitter : http://twitter.com/heartsavior
LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/heartsavior

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer


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