Sounds fine.
I am trying to get pandas UDF redesign done (SPARK-28264
<>) on time. Hope I can
make it.

2019년 12월 24일 (화) 오후 4:17, Wenchen Fan <>님이 작성:

> Sounds good!
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 7:48 AM Reynold Xin <> wrote:
>> We've pushed out 3.0 multiple times. The latest release window documented
>> on the website <> says
>> we'd code freeze and cut branch-3.0 early Dec. It looks like we are
>> suffering a bit from the tragedy of the commons, that nobody is pushing for
>> getting the release out. I understand the natural tendency for each
>> individual is to finish or extend the feature/bug that the person has been
>> working on. At some point we need to say "this is it" and get the release
>> out. I'm happy to help drive this process.
>> To be realistic, I don't think we should just code freeze *today*.
>> Although we have updated the website, contributors have all been operating
>> under the assumption that all active developments are still going on. I
>> propose we *cut the branch on **Jan 31**, and code freeze and switch
>> over to bug squashing mode, and try to get the 3.0 official release out in
>> Q1*. That is, by default no new features can go into the branch starting Jan
>> 31.
>> What do you think?
>> And happy holidays everybody.

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