Isn't your directory structure malformed? The directory name under the
table path should be in the form of "partitionCol=value". And AFAIK this is
the Hive standard.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 6:59 PM Lotkowski, Michael
<> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Reviving this thread, we still have this issue and we have been using our
> updated jar which seems to work. It would be great to get some feedback
> whether this is the correct approach.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> *From: *"Lotkowski, Michael" <>
> *Date: *Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 10:28 AM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Support subdirectories when accessing partitioned Parquet Hive
> table
> *Originally
> <>*
> Hi all,
> We have ran in to issues when trying to read parquet partitioned table
> created by Hive. I think I have narrowed down the cause to how
> InMemoryFileIndex
> <> created a
> parent -> file mapping.
> The folder structure created by Hive is as follows:
> s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir1/data1.parquet
> s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir2/data2.parquet
> Looking through the code it seems that InMemoryFileIndex is creating a
> mapping of leaf files to their parents yielding the following mapping:
>  val leafDirToChildrenFiles = Map(
>     s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir1
> -> s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir1/data1.parquet,
>     s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir2
> -> s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/subdir2/data2.parquet
> )
> Which then in turn is used in PartitioningAwareFileIndex
> <>
> to prune the partitions. From my understanding pruning works by looking up
> the partition path in leafDirToChildrenFiles which in this case is
> s3://bucket/table/date=2019-11-25/ and therefore it fails to find any files
> for this partition.
> My suggested fix is to update how the InMemoryFileIndex builds the
> mapping, instead of having a map between parent dir to file, is to have a
> map of rootPath to file. More concretely
> I have tested this by updating the jar running on EMR and we correctly can
> now read the data from these partitioned tables. It's also worth noting
> that we can read the data, without any modifications to the code, if we use
> the following settings:
> "spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet" to "false",
> "spark.hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories" to "true",
> "spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.input.dir.recursive" to
> "true"
> However with these settings we lose the ability to prune partitions
> causing us to read the entire table every time as we aren't using a Spark
> relation.
> I want to start discussion on whether this is a correct change, or if we
> are missing something more obvious. In either case I would be happy to
> fully implement the change.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> Amazon Development Centre (Scotland) Limited registered office: Waverley
> Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG, Scotland. Registered in
> Scotland Registration number SC26867
> Amazon Development Centre (Scotland) Limited registered office: Waverley
> Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG, Scotland. Registered in
> Scotland Registration number SC26867

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