Hey Bing,

There’s a couple different approaches you could take.  The quickest and easiest 
would be to use the existing APIs

val bytes = spark.range(1000

bytes.foreachPartition(bytes =>{
  //W ARNING anything used in here will need to be serializable.
  // There's some magic to serializing the hadoop conf. see the hadoop wrapper 
class in the source
  val writer = FileSystem.get(null).create(new Path("s3://..."))
  bytes.foreach(b => writer.write(b))

The more complicated but pretty approach would be to either implement a custom 

From: "Duan,Bing" <duanb...@baidu.com>
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 12:35 AM
To: "dev@spark.apache.org" <dev@spark.apache.org>
Subject: How to implement a "saveAsBinaryFile" function?

Hi all:

I read binary data(protobuf format) from filesystem by binaryFiles function to 
a RDD[Array[Byte]]   it works fine. But when I save the it to filesystem by 
saveAsTextFile, the quotation mark was be escaped like this:
"\"201900002_1\"",1,24,0,2,"\"S66.000x001\””,    which  should be 

Anyone could give me some tip to implement a function like saveAsBinaryFile to 
persist the RDD[Array[Byte]]?



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