Let actually me just take a look by myself and bring some updates soon.

2020년 4월 30일 (목) 오전 9:13, Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> WDYT @Josh Rosen <joshro...@databricks.com>?
> Seems
> https://github.com/databricks/spark-pr-dashboard/blob/1e799c9e510fa8cdc9a6c084a777436bebeabe10/sparkprs/controllers/tasks.py#L131-L142
>  this
> isn't working anymore.
> Does it make sense to move it to native Jira-GitHub integration
> <https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiracloud/connect-jira-cloud-to-github-814188429.html>
> ?
> It won't change JIRA status as we used to do but it might be better from a
> cursory look. However, maybe I missed some context.
> 2020년 4월 30일 (목) 오전 2:46, Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>님이
> 작성:
>> Not sure what you mean. The native integration will auto-link from a Jira
>> ticket to the PRs that mention that ticket. I don't think it will update
>> the ticket's status, though.
>> Would you like me to file a ticket with Infra and see what they say?
>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 12:21 AM Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Maybe it's time to switch. Do you know if we can still link the JIRA
>>> against Github?
>>> The script used to change the status of JIRA too but it stopped working
>>> for a long time - I suspect this isn't a big deal.
>>> 2020년 4월 25일 (토) 오전 10:31, Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>님이
>>> 작성:
>>>> Have we asked Infra recently about enabling the native Jira-GitHub
>>>> integration
>>>> <https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiracloud/connect-jira-cloud-to-github-814188429.html>?
>>>> Maybe we can deprecate the part of this script that updates Jira tickets
>>>> with links to the PR and rely on the native integration instead. We use it
>>>> at my day job, for example.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 12:39 AM Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Seems like this github_jira_sync.py
>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/dev/github_jira_sync.py> 
>>>>> script
>>>>> seems stopped working completely now.
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-31532 <>
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28316
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-31529 <>
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28315
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-31528 <>
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28313
>>>>> Josh, would you mind taking a look please when you find some time?
>>>>> There is a bunch of JIRAs now, and it is very confusing which JIRA is
>>>>> in progress with a PR or not.
>>>>> 2019년 7월 26일 (금) 오후 1:20, Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>>>> Just FYI, I had to come up with a better JQL to filter out the JIRAs
>>>>>> that already have linked PRs.
>>>>>> In case it helps someone, I use this JQL now to look through the open
>>>>>> JIRAs:
>>>>>> project = SPARK AND
>>>>>> status = Open AND
>>>>>> NOT issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("Github Pull Request *")
>>>>>> ORDER BY created DESC, priority DESC, updated DESC
>>>>>> 2019년 7월 19일 (금) 오후 4:54, Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>>>>> That's a great explanation. Thanks I didn't know that.
>>>>>>> Josh, do you know who I should ping on this?
>>>>>>> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 16:52 Dongjoon Hyun, <dongjoon.h...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, Hyukjin.
>>>>>>>> In short, there are two bots. And, the current situation happens
>>>>>>>> when only one bot with `dev/github_jira_sync.py` works.
>>>>>>>> And, `dev/github_jira_sync.py` is irrelevant to the JIRA status
>>>>>>>> change because it only use `add_remote_link` and `add_comment` API.
>>>>>>>> I know only this bot (in Apache Spark repository repo)
>>>>>>>> AFAIK, `deb/github_jira_sync.py`'s activity is done under JIRA ID
>>>>>>>> `githubbot` (Name: `ASF GitHub Bot`).
>>>>>>>> And, the other bot's activity is done under JIRA ID `apachespark`
>>>>>>>> (Name: `Apache Spark`).
>>>>>>>> The other bot is the one which Josh mentioned before. (in
>>>>>>>> `databricks/spark-pr-dashboard` repo).
>>>>>>>> The root cause will be the same. The API key used by the bot is
>>>>>>>> rejected by Apache JIRA and forwarded to CAPCHAR.
>>>>>>>> Bests,
>>>>>>>> Dongjoon.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 8:24 PM Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> Seems this issue is re-happening again. Seems the PR link is
>>>>>>>>> properly created in the corresponding JIRA but it doesn't change the 
>>>>>>>>> JIRA's
>>>>>>>>> status from OPEN to IN-PROGRESS.
>>>>>>>>> See, for instance,
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28443
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28440
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28436
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28434
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28433
>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-28431
>>>>>>>>> Josh and Dongjoon, do you guys maybe have any idea?
>>>>>>>>> 2019년 4월 25일 (목) 오후 3:09, Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much Josh .. !!
>>>>>>>>>> 2019년 4월 25일 (목) 오후 3:04, Josh Rosen <rosenvi...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>>>>>>>>> The code for this runs in http://spark-prs.appspot.com (see
>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/databricks/spark-pr-dashboard/blob/1e799c9e510fa8cdc9a6c084a777436bebeabe10/sparkprs/controllers/tasks.py#L137
>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>> I checked the AppEngine logs and it looks like we're getting
>>>>>>>>>>> error responses, possibly due to a credentials issue:
>>>>>>>>>>> Exception when starting progress on JIRA issue SPARK-27355 (
>>>>>>>>>>>> /base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/sparkprs/controllers/tasks.py:142
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Fsparkprs%2Fcontrollers%2Ftasks.py&line=142&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last): File
>>>>>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/sparkprs/controllers/tasks.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 138
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Fsparkprs%2Fcontrollers%2Ftasks.py&line=138&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in update_pr start_issue_progress("%s-%s" % 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'],
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue_number)) File
>>>>>>>>>>>> start_issue_progress("%s-%s" % (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'],
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue_number))
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/sparkprs/jira_api.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 27
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Fsparkprs%2Fjira_api.py&line=27&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in start_issue_progress jira_client = get_jira_client() File
>>>>>>>>>>>> jira_client = get_jira_client()
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/sparkprs/jira_api.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 18
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Fsparkprs%2Fjira_api.py&line=18&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in get_jira_client app.config['JIRA_PASSWORD'])) File
>>>>>>>>>>>> app.config['JIRA_PASSWORD']))
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/client.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 472
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fclient.py&line=472&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in __init__ si = self.server_info() File
>>>>>>>>>>>> si = self.server_info()
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/client.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 2133
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fclient.py&line=2133&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in server_info j = self._get_json('serverInfo') File
>>>>>>>>>>>> j = self._get_json('serverInfo')
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/client.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 2549
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fclient.py&line=2549&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in _get_json r = self._session.get(url, params=params) File
>>>>>>>>>>>> r = self._session.get(url, params=params)
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/resilientsession.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 151
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fresilientsession.py&line=151&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in get return self.__verb('GET', url, **kwargs) File
>>>>>>>>>>>> return self.__verb('GET', url, **kwargs)
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/resilientsession.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 147
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fresilientsession.py&line=147&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in __verb raise_on_error(response, verb=verb, **kwargs) File
>>>>>>>>>>>> raise_on_error(response, verb=verb, **kwargs)
>>>>>>>>>>>> File 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/base/data/home/apps/s~spark-prs/live.412416057856832734/lib/jira/resilientsession.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 57
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://console.cloud.google.com/debug/fromlog?appModule=default&appVersion=live&file=%2Fbase%2Fdata%2Fhome%2Fapps%2Fs~spark-prs%2Flive.412416057856832734%2Flib%2Fjira%2Fresilientsession.py&line=57&logInsertId=5cc1483600029309a7af76d5&logNanos=1556170805012269000&nestedLogIndex=3&project=spark-prs&src=ac>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in raise_on_error r.status_code, error, r.url, request=request, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> response=r,
>>>>>>>>>>>> **kwargs) JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 403 url:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/rest/api/2/serverInfo text:
>>>>>>>>>>>> CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE; login-url=
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/login.jsp r.status_code, error,
>>>>>>>>>>>> r.url, request=request, response=r, **kwargs)
>>>>>>>>>>>> JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 403 url:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/rest/api/2/serverInfo
>>>>>>>>>>>> text: CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE; login-url=
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/login.jsp
>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like ASF JIRA was throwing a captcha challenge at us,
>>>>>>>>>>> so I used the credentials to manually log in and complete the 
>>>>>>>>>>> challenge.
>>>>>>>>>>> Hopefully that's enough to fix things, but to prevent
>>>>>>>>>>> re-occurrence we might need to change the login credential type from
>>>>>>>>>>> username + password to instead use OAuth tokens.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 10:42 PM Hyukjin Kwon <
>>>>>>>>>>> gurwls...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone take a look for this one? OPEN status JIRAs are
>>>>>>>>>>>> being rapidly increased (from around 2400 to 2600)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2019년 4월 19일 (금) 오후 8:05, Hyukjin Kwon <gurwls...@gmail.com>님이
>>>>>>>>>>>> 작성:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks 'spark/dev/github_jira_sync.py' is not running correctly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> somewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually the JIRA's status should be updated to "IN PROGRESS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> somebody opens a PR against a JIRA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks now it only leaves a link and does not change JIRA's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> status.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can someone else who knows where it's running can check this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> FWIW, I check every PR and JIRA almost every day but ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>> since this happened, this makes (at least to me) duplicately 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> check the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> JIRAs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Previously, if I check all the PRs and JIRAs, they were not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> duplicated because JIRAs having PRs have different status, "IN 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROGRESS"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but now all JIRAs have "OPEN" status.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.

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