While the ScalaDocs for DataFrameWriter say

 * Specifies the behavior when data or table already exists. Options include:
 * <ul>
 * <li>`SaveMode.Overwrite`: overwrite the existing data.</li>
 * <li>`SaveMode.Append`: append the data.</li>
 * <li>`SaveMode.Ignore`: ignore the operation (i.e. no-op).</li>
 * <li>`SaveMode.ErrorIfExists`: throw an exception at runtime.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * When writing to data source v1, the default option is
`ErrorIfExists`. When writing to data
 * source v2, the default option is `Append`.
 * @since 1.4.0

As far as I can tell, using DataFrame writer with a TableProviding
DataSource V2 will still default to ErrorIfExists which breaks existing
code since DSV2 cannot support ErrorIfExists mode. I noticed in the history
of DataframeWriter there were versions which differentiated between DSV2
and DSV1 and set the mode accordingly but this seems to no longer be the
case. Was this intentional? I feel like if we could
have the default be based on the Source then upgrading code from DSV1 ->
DSV2 would be much easier for users.

I'm currently testing this on RC2

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your time as usual,

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