Hi devs,

I have been struggling to find reviewers who are committers, to get my PR
[1] for SPARK-27237 [2] reviewed. The PR was submitted on Mar. 2019 (1.5
years ago), and somehow it got two approvals from contributors working on
the SS area, but still doesn't get any committers' traction to review.
(I can review others' SS PRs and I'm trying to unblock other SS area
contributors, but I can't self review my SS PRs. Not sure it's technically
possible, but fully sure it's not encouraged.)

Could I please ask help to unblock this before feature freeze for Spark 3.1
is happening? Submitted 1.5 years ago and continues struggling for
including it in Spark 3.2 (another half of a year) doesn't make sense to me.

In addition, is there a way to unblock me to work for meaningful features
instead of being stuck with small improvements? I have something in my
backlog but I'd rather not want to continue struggling with new PRs.

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

1. https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/24173
2. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-27237

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