Adding rationalization here, my request for raising the thead to dev
mailing list is, to figure out possible reasons not having full outer join
at the moment when adding left/right outer join.

This is rather historical knowledge, so I have no idea about this. Most
likely a limited number of folks could answer and I hope we could get some
historical information.

Note that I don't object the change. Just wanted to make clear we don't
miss something.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 4:15 AM real-cheng-su <>

> Hi,
> Stream-stream join in spark structured streaming right now supports INNER,
> LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER and LEFT SEMI join type. But it does not support
> FULL OUTER join and we are working on to add it in
> .
> Given LEFT OUTER and RIGHT OUTER stream-stream join is supported, the code
> needed for FULL OUTER join is actually quite straightforward:
> * For left side input row, check if there's a match on right side state
> store. if there's a match, output the joined row, o.w. output nothing. Put
> the row in left side state store.
> * For right side input row, check if there's a match on left side state
> store. if there's a match, output the joined row, o.w. output nothing. Put
> the row in right side state store.
> * State store eviction: evict rows from left/right side state store below
> watermark, and output rows never matched before (a combination of left
> outer
> and right outer join).
> Given FULL OUTER join consumes same amount of space in state store,
> compared
> with INNER/LEFT OUTER/RIGH OUTER join, and pretty easy to add. I don’t see
> any issues from system perspective that FULL OUTER join should not be
> added.
> I am wondering is there any major blocker to add FULL OUTER stream-stream
> join? Asking in dev mailing list in case we miss anything besides PR review
> participation, thanks.
> Cheng Su
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