due to scheduling, upcoming holiday and in-the-colo work requirements, all
of the centos workers are being wiped NOW.

this is great, as the sooner we can get started on fixing builds the
better.  i'm not going anywhere over the holiday, so i'll get a good
head-start on things.

thank you jon!


On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 11:24 AM shane knapp ☠ <skn...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> this is a lengthy, but important read for everyone here.
> in the next few days, the remaining centos machines (PRB/SBT workers AND
> primary) will have be reimaged from centos6.9 to ubuntu 20.04LTS.
> this means three important things on the very near horizon:
> 1 -- the PRB and SBT tests WILL BE BROKEN (by thanksgiving)
> 2 -- jenkins itself will be down for a while as we move the jenkins
> installation to it's new home.
> 3 -- those of you with accounts here will temporarily lose access
> regarding (1), brian (cced) will be helping me debug and fix any
> system-level bugs (python envs, missing packages, etc).  jon (cced) will be
> doing the reimaging and cobbling together of hardware to keep us on our
> feet.  their help is going to be invaluable to getting us back on the
> ground.
> we already have two ubuntu 20 workers up and building
> (research-jenkins-worker-0[1,2]), and the SparkPullRequestBuilder-K8s build
> is already green.  i'll keep an eye on these workers to ensure i didn't
> miss anything.
> once we have a couple of more ubuntu 20 machines up, i'll move the PRB and
> SBT builds there and let them fail as often as possible so we can use the
> build logs during the migration of the primary.
> then we shut down jenkins and move to the new primary.
> this will all be happening in the next week to week-and-a-half.
> nearish on the horizon, we need to do two things:
> 1 -- reimage the ubuntu 16 workers
> 2 -- clean up the all of the breakages within jenkins plugin universe.
> there's a lot of stacktraces everywhere after the upgrade, but things are
> still building so i'm inclined to push this out.
> 3 -- fix the PRB/SBT builds.
> further off, once we're stable, we (the spark community) will need to have
> an honest conversation about where the build system lives.  we don't
> currently have enough resources here to manage the system in a way that it
> deserves, and i can't forsee getting the staffing for long-term support any
> time soon.
> however, with the ansible configs (which i plan on moving to the spark
> repo), it should be much easier to replicate the build system.
> by this time next year, i would like to have helped find the build system
> a new home, and sunset jenkins.  over the past 11 years (i think), this
> system has built spark.  it's getting a little tired and needs a well
> deserved break.  :)
> shane
> --
> Shane Knapp
> Computer Guy / Voice of Reason
> UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead
> https://rise.cs.berkeley.edu

Shane Knapp
Computer Guy / Voice of Reason
UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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