Sounds like a fine time to me, sure.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 1:39 PM Dongjoon Hyun <>

> Hi, All.
> As of today, `branch-3.0` has 307 patches (including 25 correctness
> patches) since v3.0.1 tag (released on September 8th, 2020).
> Since we stabilized branch-3.0 during 3.1.x preparation so far,
> it would be great if we start to release Apache Spark 3.0.2 next week.
> And, I'd like to volunteer for Apache Spark 3.0.2 release manager.
> What do you think about the Apache Spark 3.0.2 release?
> Bests,
> Dongjoon.
> -----<Correctness Patches>-----
> SPARK-31511 Make BytesToBytesMap iterator() thread-safe
> SPARK-32635 When pyspark.sql.functions.lit() function is used with
> dataframe cache, it returns wrong result
> SPARK-32753 Deduplicating and repartitioning the same column create
> duplicate rows with AQE
> SPARK-32764 compare of -0.0 < 0.0 return true
> SPARK-32840 Invalid interval value can happen to be just adhesive with the
> unit
> SPARK-32908 percentile_approx() returns incorrect results
> SPARK-33019 Use
> spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version=1 by default
> SPARK-33183 Bug in optimizer rule EliminateSorts
> SPARK-33260 SortExec produces incorrect results if sortOrder is a Stream
> SPARK-33290 REFRESH TABLE should invalidate cache even though the table
> itself may not be cached
> SPARK-33358 Spark SQL CLI command processing loop can't exit while one
> comand fail
> SPARK-33404 "date_trunc" expression returns incorrect results
> SPARK-33435 DSv2: REFRESH TABLE should invalidate caches
> SPARK-33591 NULL is recognized as the "null" string in partition specs
> SPARK-33593 Vector reader got incorrect data with binary partition value
> SPARK-33726 Duplicate field names causes wrong answers during aggregation
> SPARK-33950 ALTER TABLE .. DROP PARTITION doesn't refresh cache
> SPARK-34011 ALTER TABLE .. RENAME TO PARTITION doesn't refresh cache
> SPARK-34027 ALTER TABLE .. RECOVER PARTITIONS doesn't refresh cache
> SPARK-34055 ALTER TABLE .. ADD PARTITION doesn't refresh cache
> SPARK-34187 Use available offset range obtained during polling when
> checking offset validation
> SPARK-34212 For parquet table, after changing the precision and scale of
> decimal type in hive, spark reads incorrect value
> SPARK-34213 LOAD DATA doesn't refresh v1 table cache
> SPARK-34229 Avro should read decimal values with the file schema
> SPARK-34262 ALTER TABLE .. SET LOCATION doesn't refresh v1 table cache

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