Hi Spark-Devs,

the observable metrics that have been added to the Dataset API in 3.0.0 are a great improvement over the Accumulator APIs that seem to have much weaker guarantees. I have two questions regarding follow-up contributions:

*1. Add observe to Python ***DataFrame**

As I can see from master branch, there is no equivalent in the Python API. Is this something planned to happen, or is it missing because there are not listeners in PySpark which renders this method useless in Python. I would be happy to contribute here.

*2. Add Observation class to simplify result access

The Dataset.observe method requires users to register listeners <https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/Dataset.html#observe(name:String,expr:org.apache.spark.sql.Column,exprs:org.apache.spark.sql.Column*):org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[T]> with QueryExecutionListener or StreamingQUeryListener to obtain the result. I think for simple setups, this could be hidden behind a common helper class here called Observation, which reduces the usage of observe to three lines of code:

// our Dataset (this does not count as a line of code) val df =Seq((1, "a"), (2, "b"), (4, "c"), (8, 
"d")).toDF("id", "value")

// define the observation we want to make val observation =Observation("stats", 
count($"id"), sum($"id"))

// add the observation to the Dataset and execute an action on it val cnt = 

// retrieve the result assert(observation.get ===Row(4, 15))

The Observation class can handle the registration and de-registration of the listener, as well as properly accessing the result across thread boundaries.

With *2.*, the observe method can be added to PySpark without introducing listeners there at all. All the logic is happening in the JVM.

Thanks for your thoughts on this.


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