when I try to do a Broadcast Hash Join on a bigger table (6Mil rows) I get
an incorrect result of 0 rows.

val rightDF = spark.read.format("parquet").load("table-a")
val leftDF =  spark.read.format("parquet").load("table-b")
  //needed to activate dynamic pruning subquery
  .where('part_ts === 20210304000L)

// leftDF has 7 Mil rows ~ 120 MB
val join = broadcast(leftDF).join(rightDF,
  $"match_part_id" === $"part_id" && $"match_id" === $"id"

res1: Long = 0

I think it's connected with Dynamic Partition Pruning of the rightDF, which
is happening according to the plan:

PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(part_id#477L),
dynamicpruningexpression(part_id#477L IN dynamicpruning#534)]

===== Subqueries =====

Subquery:1 Hosting operator id = 6 Hosting Expression = part_id#477L
IN dynamicpruning#534
ReusedExchange (11)

(11) ReusedExchange [Reuses operator id: 5]
Output [4]: [match_part_id#487L, match_id#488L, UK#489, part_ts#490L]

*Removing the broadcast hint OR shrinking the broadcasted table corrects
the result*:

val rightDF = spark.read.format("parquet").load("table-a")
val leftDF =  spark.read.format("parquet").load("table-b")
  //needed to activate dynamic pruning subquery
  .where('part_ts === 20210304000L)
 // shrinks the broadcasted table to 18K rows
 .where('match_id === 33358792)

// leftDF has 18K rows
val join = broadcast(leftDF).join(rightDF,
  $"match_part_id" === $"part_id" && $"match_id" === $"id"

res2: Long = 379701

I would expect the broadcast to fail, but would never expect to get
incorrect results without an exception. What do you think ?



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