LGTM (I took a look, and had some offline discussions w/ some corrections
before it came out)

2021년 4월 8일 (목) 오전 5:28, Karen <karenfeng...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Hi all,
> As discussed in SPIP: Standardize Exception Messages in Spark (
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XGj1o3xAFh8BA7RCn3DtwIPC6--hIFOaNUNSlpaOIZs/edit?usp=sharing),
> improving error message quality in Apache Spark involves establishing an
> error message guideline for developers. Error message style guidelines are
> common practice across open-source projects, for example PostgreSQL (
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/error-style-guide.html).
> To move towards the goal of improving error message quality, we would like
> to start building an error message guideline. We have attached a rough
> draft to kick off this discussion:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/12k4zmaKmmdm6Pk63HS0N1zN1QT-6TihkWaa5CkLmsn8/edit?usp=sharing
> .
> Please let us know what you think should be in the guideline! We look
> forward to building this as a community.
> Thank you,
> Karen Feng

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