That does seem pointless. The body could just be .flatten()-ed to achieve
the same result. Maybe it was just written that way for symmetry with the
block above. You could open a PR to change it.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 4:31 AM Jacek Laskowski <> wrote:

> Hi Spark Devs,
> I'm curious what your take on this code [1] would be if you were me trying
> to understand it:
>       (0 until 1).flatMap { _ =>
>         (splitPoints :+ numMappers).sliding(2).map {
>           case Seq(start, end) => CoalescedMapperPartitionSpec(start, end,
> numReducers)
>         }
>       }
> There's something important going on here but it's so convoluted that my
> Scala coding skills seem not enough (not to mention AQE skills themselves).
> I'm tempted to change (0 until 1) to Seq(0), but Seq(0).flatMap feels
> awkward too. Is this Seq(0).flatMap even needed?! Even with no splitPoints
> we've got numReducers > 0.
> Looks like the above is as simple as
>     (splitPoints :+ numMappers).sliding(2).map {
>           case Seq(start, end) => CoalescedMapperPartitionSpec(start, end,
> numReducers)
>      }
> Correct?
> I'm mentally used up and can't seem to think straight. Would a PR with
> such a change be acceptable? (Sean I'm looking at you :D)
> [1]
> Pozdrawiam,
> Jacek Laskowski
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