Hi Pralabh,

If it helps, it is probably related to this change


On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 10:42 AM Pralabh Kumar <pralabhku...@gmail.com>

> Hi Spark Team
> When creating a database via Spark 3.0 on Hive
> 1) spark.sql("create database test location '/user/hive'").  It creates
> the database location on hdfs . As expected
> 2) When running the same command on 3.1 the database is created on the
> local file system by default. I have to prefix with hdfs to create db on
> hdfs.
> Why is there a difference in the behavior, Can you please point me to the
> jira which causes this change.
> Note : spark.sql.warehouse.dir and hive.metastore.warehouse.dir both are
> having default values(not explicitly set)
> Regards
> Pralabh Kumar

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