Hello all,

How do you run Spark's test suites when you want to test the correctness of your code? Is there a way to run a specific test suite for Spark? For example, running test suite XXXSuite alone, instead of every class under the test/ directories.

Here's some background info about what I want to do: I'm a graduate student trying to study Spark's design and find ways to improve Spark's performance by doing Software/Hardware co-design. I'm relatively new to Maven and so far struggling to find to a way to properly run Spark's own test suites.

Let's say I did some modifications to a XXXExec node which belongs to the org.apache.spark.sql package. I want to see if my design passes the test cases. What should I do?

What command should I use:

*<spark_root>/build/mvn test *  or *<spark_root>/dev/run-tests* ?

And where should I run that command:

*<spark_root>*  or *<package_dir>* ? - where <package_dir> is where the modified scala file is located, e.g. "<spark_root>/sql/core/".

I tried adding -Dtest=XXXSuite to *mvn test *but still get to run tens of thousands of tests. This is taking way too much time and unbearable if I'm just modifying a few file in a specific module.

I would really appreciate any suggestion or comment.

Best regards,

Fangjia Shen

Purdue University

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