I think we can assume that someone upgrading Kafka will be responsible for
thinking through the breaking changes. We can help by listing anything we
know could affect Spark-Kafka usage and calling those out in a release
note, for sure. I don't think we need to get into items that would affect
Kafka usage itself; focus on the connector-related issues.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 5:15 AM Jungtaek Lim <kabhwan.opensou...@gmail.com>

> CORRECTION: in option 2, we enumerate KIPs which may bring incompatibility
> with older brokers (not all KIPs).
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 7:12 PM Jungtaek Lim <kabhwan.opensou...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi dev,
>> I would like to initiate the discussion about how to deal with the
>> migration guide on upgrading Kafka to 3.1 (from 2.8.1) in upcoming Spark
>> 3.3.
>> We didn't care much about the upgrade of Kafka dependency since our
>> belief on Kafka client has been that the new Kafka client version should
>> have no compatibility issues with older brokers. Based on semantic
>> versioning, upgrading major versions rings an alarm for me.
>> I haven't gone through changes that happened between versions, but found
>> one KIP (KIP-679
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-679%3A+Producer+will+enable+the+strongest+delivery+guarantee+by+default>)
>> which may not work with older brokers with specific setup. (It's described
>> in the "Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan" section of the KIP).
>> This may not be problematic for the users who upgrade both client and
>> broker altogether, but end users of Spark may be unlikely the case.
>> Computation engines are relatively easier to upgrade. Storage systems
>> aren't. End users would think the components are independent.
>> I looked through the notable changes in the Kafka doc, and it does
>> mention this KIP, but it just says the default config has changed and
>> doesn't mention about the impacts. There is a link to
>> KIP, that said, everyone needs to read through the KIP wiki page for
>> details.
>> Based on the context, what would be the best way to notice end users for
>> the major version upgrade of Kafka? I can imagine several options
>> including...
>> 1. Explicitly mention that Spark 3.3 upgrades Kafka to 3.1 with linking
>> the noticeable changes in the Kafka doc in the migration guide.
>> 2. Do 1 & spend more effort to read through all KIPs and check
>> "Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan" section, and enumerate all
>> KIPs (or even summarize) in the migration guide.
>> 3. Do 2 & actively override the default configs to be compatible with
>> older versions if the change of the default configs in Kafka 3.0 is
>> backward incompatible. End users should set these configs explicitly to
>> override them back.
>> 4. Do not care. End users can indicate the upgrade in the release note,
>> and we expect end users to actively check the notable changes (& KIPs) from
>> Kafka doc.
>> 5. Options not described above...
>> Please take a look and provide your voice on this.
>> Thanks,
>> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
>> ps. Probably this would be applied to all non-bugfix versions of
>> dependency upgrades. We may still want to be pragmatic, e.g. pass-through
>> for minor versions, though.

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