Hi Alex,

You can cast the initial value to the desired type

val mergeExpr = expr("aggregate(data, cast(map() as map<string, string>), (acc, i) -> map_concat(acc, i))")

On 8/27/22 13:06, Alexandros Biratsis wrote:
Hello folks,

I would like to ask Spark devs if and it possible to define explicitly the key/value types for a map (Spark 3.3.0) as shown below:

    |import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{expr, collect_list} val df =
    Seq( (1, Map("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v3")), (1, Map("k3" -> "v3")),
    (2, Map("k4" -> "v4")), (2, Map("k6" -> "v6", "k5" -> "v5"))
    ).toDF("id", "data") val mergeExpr = expr("aggregate(data, map(),
    (acc, i) -> map_concat(acc, i))")
    df.groupBy("id").agg(collect_list("data").as("data")) .select($"id",
    mergeExpr.as("merged_data")) .show(false)|

The above code throws the next error:

    AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'aggregate(`data`, map(),
    namedlambdavariable()), namedlambdavariable(),
    namedlambdavariable()), lambdafunction(namedlambdavariable(),
    namedlambdavariable()))' due to data type mismatch: argument 3
    requires map<null,null> type, however,
    namedlambdavariable()), namedlambdavariable(),
    namedlambdavariable())' is of map<string,string> type.; Project
    [id#110, aggregate(data#119, map(),
    lambdafunction(map_concat(cast(lambda acc#122 as
    map<string,string>), lambda i#123), lambda acc#122, lambda i#123,
    false), lambdafunction(lambda id#124, lambda id#124, false)) AS
    aggregate(data, map(),
    namedlambdavariable()), namedlambdavariable(),
    namedlambdavariable()), lambdafunction(namedlambdavariable(),
    namedlambdavariable()))#125] +- Aggregate [id#110], [id#110,
    collect_list(data#111, 0, 0) AS data#119] +- Project [_1#105 AS
    id#110, _2#106 AS data#111] +- LocalRelation [_1#105, _2#106]

It seems that map() is initialised as map<null,null> when map<string,string> is expected. I believe that the behaviour has changed since 2.4.5 where map was initialised as map<string, string>, and the previous example was working.

Is it possible to create a map by specifying the key-value type explicitly?

So far, I came up with a workaround using map('', '') to initialise the map for string key-value and using map_filter() to exclude/remove the redundant map('', '') key-value item:

    val mergeExpr = expr("map_filter(aggregate(data, map('', ''), (acc,
    i) -> map_concat(acc, i)), (k, v) -> k != '')")

Thank you for your help


Best regards,
Maciej Szymkiewicz

Web: https://zero323.net

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