I think you're talking past Hyukjin here.

I think the response is: none of that is managed by Pyspark now, and this
proposal does not change that. Your current interpreter and environment is
used to execute the stored procedure, which is just Python code. It's on
you to bring an environment that runs the code correctly. This is just the
same as how running any python code works now.

I think you have exactly the same problems with UDFs now, and that's all a
real problem, just not something Spark has ever tried to solve for you.
Think of this as exactly like: I have a bit of python code I import as a
function and share across many python workloads. Just, now that chunk is
stored as a 'stored procedure'.

I agree this raises the same problem in new ways - now, you are storing and
sharing a chunk of code across many workloads. There is more potential for
compatibility and environment problems, as all of that is simply punted to
the end workloads. But, it's not different from importing common code and
the world doesn't fall apart.

On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 11:16 PM Alexander Shorin <kxe...@apache.org> wrote:

> Which Python version will run that stored procedure?
>> All Python versions supported in PySpark
> Where in stored procedure defines the exact python version which will run
> the code? That was the question.
>> How to manage external dependencies?
>> Existing way we have
>> https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/user_guide/python_packaging.html
>> .
>> In fact, this will use the external dependencies within your Python
>> interpreter so you can use all existing conda or venvs.
> Current proposal solves this issue nohow (the stored code doesn't provide
> any manifest about its dependencies and what is required to run it). So
> feels like it's better to stay with UDF since they are under control and
> their behaviour is predictable. Did I miss something?
> How to test it via a common CI process?
>> Existing way of PySpark unittests, see
>> https://github.com/apache/spark/tree/master/python/pyspark/tests
> Sorry, but this wouldn't work since stored procedure thing requires some
> specific definition and this code will not be stored as regular python
> code. Do you have any examples how to test stored python procedures as a
> unit e.g. without spark?
> How to manage versions and do upgrades? Migrations?
>> This is a new feature so no migration is needed. We will keep the
>> compatibility according to the sember we follow.
> Question was not about spark, but about stored procedures itself. Any
> guidelines which will not copy flaws of other systems?
> Current Python UDF solution handles these problems in a good way since
>> they delegate them to project level.
>> Current UDF solution cannot handle stored procedures because UDF is on
>> the worker side. This is Driver side.
> How so? Currently it works and we never faced such issue. May be you
> should have the same Python code also on the driver side? But such trivial
> idea doesn't require new feature on Spark since you already have to ship
> that code somehow.
> --
> ,,,^..^,,,

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