I think it's the same, and always has been - yes you don't have a
guaranteed ordering unless an operation produces a specific ordering. Could
be the result of order by, yes; I believe you would be guaranteed that
reading input files results in data in the order they appear in the file,
etc. 1:1 operations like map() don't change ordering. But not the result of
a shuffle, for example. So yeah anything like limit or head might give
different results in the future (or simply on different cluster setups with
different parallelism, etc). The existence of operations like offset
doesn't contradict that. Maybe that's totally fine in some situations (ex:
I just want to display some sample rows) but otherwise yeah you've always
had to state your ordering for "first" or "nth" to have a guaranteed result.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:48 AM Nicholas Chammas <
nicholas.cham...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’ve always considered DataFrames to be logically equivalent to SQL tables
> or queries.
> In SQL, the result order of any query is implementation-dependent without
> an explicit ORDER BY clause. Technically, you could run `SELECT * FROM
> table;` 10 times in a row and get 10 different orderings.
> I thought the same applied to DataFrames, but the docstring for the
> recently added method DataFrame.offset
> <https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/40873/files#diff-4ff57282598a3b9721b8d6f8c2fea23a62e4bc3c0f1aa5444527549d1daa38baR1293-R1301>
>  implies
> otherwise.
> This example will work fine in practice, of course. But if DataFrames are
> technically unordered without an explicit ordering clause, then in theory a
> future implementation change may result in “Bob" being the “first” row in
> the DataFrame, rather than “Tom”. That would make the example incorrect.
> Is that not the case?
> Nick

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