
To be completely transparent, I am employed in the same department as Zhou at 

I support this proposal, provided that we witness community adoption following 
the release of the Flink Kubernetes operator, streamlining Flink deployment on 

A well-maintained official Spark Kubernetes operator is essential for our Spark 
community as well.

DB Tsai  |  https://www.dbtsai.com/  |  PGP 42E5B25A8F7A82C1

> On Nov 9, 2023, at 12:05 PM, Zhou Jiang <zhou.c.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Spark community,
> I'm reaching out to initiate a conversation about the possibility of 
> developing a Java-based Kubernetes operator for Apache Spark. Following the 
> operator pattern 
> (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/), Spark 
> users may manage applications and related components seamlessly using native 
> tools like kubectl. The primary goal is to simplify the Spark user experience 
> on Kubernetes, minimizing the learning curve and operational complexities and 
> therefore enable users to focus on the Spark application development.
> Although there are several open-source Spark on Kubernetes operators 
> available, none of them are officially integrated into the Apache Spark 
> project. As a result, these operators may lack active support and development 
> for new features. Within this proposal, our aim is to introduce a Java-based 
> Spark operator as an integral component of the Apache Spark project. This 
> solution has been employed internally at Apple for multiple years, operating 
> millions of executors in real production environments. The use of Java in 
> this solution is intended to accommodate a wider user and contributor 
> audience, especially those who are familiar with Scala.
> Ideally, this operator should have its dedicated repository, similar to Spark 
> Connect Golang or Spark Docker, allowing it to maintain a loose connection 
> with the Spark release cycle. This model is also followed by the Apache Flink 
> Kubernetes operator.
> We believe that this project holds the potential to evolve into a thriving 
> community project over the long run. A comparison can be drawn with the Flink 
> Kubernetes Operator: Apple has open-sourced internal Flink Kubernetes 
> operator, making it a part of the Apache Flink project 
> (https://github.com/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator). This move has gained 
> wide industry adoption and contributions from the community. In a mere year, 
> the Flink operator has garnered more than 600 stars and has attracted 
> contributions from over 80 contributors. This showcases the level of 
> community interest and collaborative momentum that can be achieved in similar 
> scenarios.
> More details can be found at SPIP doc : Spark Kubernetes Operator 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f5mm9VpSKeWC72Y9IiKN2jbBn32rHxjWKUfLRaGEcLE
> Thanks,
> --
> Zhou JIANG

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