Sure thanks for clarification.  I gather what you are alluding to is -- in
a distributed environment, when one does operations that involve shuffling
or repartitioning of data, the order in which this data is processed across
partitions is not guaranteed. So when repartitioning a dataframe, the data
is redistributed across partitions, and each partition may process its
portion of the data independently and that makes the debugging distributed
systems challenging.

I hope that makes sense.

Mich Talebzadeh,
Dad | Technologist | Solutions Architect | Engineer
United Kingdom

   view my Linkedin profile

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On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 at 21:25, Jack Goodson <> wrote:

> Apologies if it wasn't clear, I was meaning the difficulty of debugging,
> not floating point precision :)
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 2:03 AM Mich Talebzadeh <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jack,
>> "....  most SQL engines suffer from the same issue... ""
>> Sure. This behavior is not a bug, but rather a consequence of the
>> limitations of floating-point precision. The numbers involved in the
>> example (see SPIP [SPARK-47024] Sum of floats/doubles may be incorrect
>> depending on partitioning - ASF JIRA (
>> <> exceed the precision
>> of the double-precision floating-point representation used by default in
>> Spark and others Interesting to have a look and test the code
>> This is the code
>> (1.0,), (0.0,), (1.0,), (9007199254740992.0,), ] spark = (
>> SparkSession.builder .config("spark.log.level", "ERROR") .getOrCreate() )
>> def compare_sums(data, num_partitions): df = spark.createDataFrame(data,
>> "val double").coalesce(1) result1 = df.agg(sum(col("val"))).collect()[0][0]
>> df = spark.createDataFrame(data, "val double").repartition(num_partitions) 
>> *result2
>> = df.agg(sum(col("val"))).collect()[0][0]* assert result1 == result2,
>> f"{result1}, {result2}" if __name__ == "__main__":
>> print(compare_sums(SUM_EXAMPLE, 2))
>> In Python, floating-point numbers are implemented using the IEEE 754
>> standard,
>> <>which
>> has a limited precision. When one performs operations with very large
>> numbers or numbers with many decimal places, one may encounter precision
>> errors.
>> print(compare_sums(SUM_EXAMPLE, 2)) File "", line 23, in
>> compare_sums assert result1 == result2, f"{result1}, {result2}"
>> AssertionError: 9007199254740994.0, 9007199254740992.0
>> In the aforementioned case, the result of the aggregation (sum) is
>> affected by the precision limits of floating-point representation. The
>> difference between 9007199254740994.0, 9007199254740992.0. is within the
>> expected precision limitations of double-precision floating-point numbers.
>> The likely cause in this scenario in this example
>> When one performs an aggregate operation like sum on a DataFrame, the
>> operation may be affected by the order of the data.and the case here, the
>> order of data can be influenced by the number of partitions in
>> Spark..result2 above creates a new DataFrame df with the same data but
>> explicitly repartition it into two partitions
>> (repartition(num_partitions)). Repartitioning can shuffle the data
>> across partitions, introducing a different order for the subsequent
>> aggregation. The sum operation is then performed on the data in a
>> different order, leading to a slightly different result from result1
>> HTH
>> Mich Talebzadeh,
>> Dad | Technologist | Solutions Architect | Engineer
>> London
>> United Kingdom
>>    view my Linkedin profile
>> <>
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.
>> On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 at 03:06, Jack Goodson <>
>> wrote:
>>> I may be ignorant of other debugging methods in Spark but the best
>>> success I've had is using smaller datasets (if runs take a long time) and
>>> adding intermediate output steps. This is quite different from application
>>> development in non-distributed systems where a debugger is trivial to
>>> attach but I believe it's one of the trade offs on using a system like
>>> Spark for data processing, most SQL engines suffer from the same issue. If
>>> you do believe there is a bug in Spark using the explain function like
>>> Herman mentioned helps as well as looking at the Spark plan in the Spark UI
>>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 9:24 AM Nicholas Chammas <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> OK, I figured it out. The details are in SPARK-47024
>>>> <> for anyone who’s
>>>> interested.
>>>> It turned out to be a floating point arithmetic “bug”. The main reason
>>>> I was able to figure it out was because I’ve been investigating another,
>>>> unrelated bug (a real bug) related to floats, so these weird float corner
>>>> cases have been top of mind.
>>>> If it weren't for that, I wonder how much progress I would have made.
>>>> Though I could inspect the generated code, I couldn’t figure out how to get
>>>> logging statements placed in the generated code to print somewhere I could
>>>> see them.
>>>> Depending on how often we find ourselves debugging aggregates like
>>>> this, it would be really helpful if we added some way to trace the
>>>> aggregation buffer.
>>>> In any case, mystery solved. Thank you for the pointer!
>>>> On Feb 12, 2024, at 8:39 AM, Herman van Hovell <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> There is no really easy way of getting the state of the aggregation
>>>> buffer, unless you are willing to modify the code generation and sprinkle
>>>> in some logging.
>>>> What I would start with is dumping the generated code by calling
>>>> explain('codegen') on the DataFrame. That helped me to find similar issues
>>>> in most cases.
>>>> HTH
>>>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 11:26 PM Nicholas Chammas <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Consider this example:
>>>>> >>> from pyspark.sql.functions import sum>>> 
>>>>> >>> spark.range(4).repartition(2).select(sum("id")).show()+-------+|sum(id)|+-------+|
>>>>> >>>   6    |+-------+
>>>>> I’m trying to understand how this works because I’m investigating a
>>>>> bug in this kind of aggregate.
>>>>> I see that doProduceWithoutKeys
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  and doConsumeWithoutKeys
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  are
>>>>> called, and I believe they are responsible for computing a declarative
>>>>> aggregate like `sum`. But I’m not sure how I would debug the generated
>>>>> code, or the inputs that drive what code gets generated.
>>>>> Say you were running the above example and it was producing an
>>>>> incorrect result, and you knew the problem was somehow related to the sum.
>>>>> How would you troubleshoot it to identify the root cause?
>>>>> Ideally, I would like some way to track how the aggregation buffer
>>>>> mutates as the computation is executed, so I can see something roughly 
>>>>> like:
>>>>> [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>>>> [1, 5]
>>>>> [6]
>>>>> Is there some way to trace a declarative aggregate like this?
>>>>> Nick

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