Thanks Wenchen for starting this!

How do we define "the user" for spark?
1. End users: There are some users that use spark as a service from a
2. Providers/Operators: There are some users that provide spark as a
service for their internal(on-prem setup with yarn/k8s)/external(Something
like EMR) customers
3. ?

Perhaps we need to consider infrastructure behavior changes as well to
accommodate the second group of users.

On 1 May 2024, at 06:08, Wenchen Fan <> wrote:

Hi all,

It's exciting to see innovations keep happening in the Spark community and
Spark keeps evolving itself. To make these innovations available to more
users, it's important to help users upgrade to newer Spark versions easily.
We've done a good job on it: the PR template requires the author to write
down user-facing behavior changes, and the migration guide contains
behavior changes that need attention from users. Sometimes behavior changes
come with a legacy config to restore the old behavior. However, we still
lack a clear definition of behavior changes and I propose the following

Behavior changes mean user-visible functional changes in a new release via
public APIs. This means new features, and even bug fixes that eliminate NPE
or correct query results, are behavior changes. Things like performance
improvement, code refactoring, and changes to unreleased APIs/features are
not. All behavior changes should be called out in the PR description. We
need to write an item in the migration guide (and probably legacy config)
for those that may break users when upgrading:

   - Bug fixes that change query results. Users may need to do backfill to
   correct the existing data and must know about these correctness fixes.
   - Bug fixes that change query schema. Users may need to update the
   schema of the tables in their data pipelines and must know about these
   - Remove configs
   - Rename error class/condition
   - Any change to the public Python/SQL/Scala/Java/R APIs: rename
   function, remove parameters, add parameters, rename parameters, change
   parameter default values, etc. These changes should be avoided in general,
   or do it in a compatible way like deprecating and adding a new function
   instead of renaming.

Once we reach a conclusion, I'll document it in .


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