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Review request for Sqoop, Boglarka Egyed and Szabolcs Vasas. Bugs: SQOOP-3241 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SQOOP-3241 Repository: sqoop-trunk Description ------- SQOOP-3241 ========== TL;DR: The problem is that the ImportAllTablesTool passes the same SqoopOptions object in every importTable invocation. Since SqoopOptions is mutable, this can lead to errors. The solution: ------------ - SqoopOptions already implements Clonable. The solution uses the clone method to create a copy of SqoopOptions for each invocation. - I've also added unit tests for the clone function, and - Introduced a new (test-scoped) dependency, i.e. assertj, because it contains the isEqualToComparingFieldByFieldRecursively function Concerns: --------- - The Clonable interface is not recommended to be used by many sources, but it seems to be the lesser evil here. - - Since SqoopOptions has more than a hundred fields, a copy constructor would add a lot of code to be maintained. - - Implementing a copy constructor either through reflection or through serialization would add unwanted complexity. - - The issues with Clonable really arise when there is a class hierarchy; this won't be a problem for SqoopOptions, as it doesn't really make sense to extend this class. - I've just covered two tools with the unit tests, would we benefit from more coverage? - The added dependency (please check if the config looks ok), 2.8.0 is an older version, but this is because Sqoop is using Java 1.7 Diffs ----- ivy.xml 601aa015 ivy/libraries.properties 2ef04f4f src/java/org/apache/sqoop/tool/ImportAllTablesTool.java d6d9f604 src/test/org/apache/sqoop/TestSqoopOptions.java 6d55c337 Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/64715/diff/1/ Testing ------- unit tests and 3rd party integration tests com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.OracleExportTest had an error in the first run, but passed in the second. It just seems flaky. Thanks, Fero Szabo