
I followed the instruction here.

With one exception, where it says "From the source directory run", 3rd
step, I assume you meant from the stanbol top level directory, where the
top level pom.xml resides.

After this the "mvn clean install" fails, firstly because there is a solr
dependency on 2 restlet jars, discussed on this list at length, here

( so why have  a broken pom.xml in your distribution that does not address
the problem!?)  Searched for an answer, found one here -
http://restlet.org/download/maven, but neither approach worked for me so
ended up copying the jar files to my local repository, that worked.

Then finally I needed to find and download the opennlp dependency on jwnl.
Then ran this command to add to my local repository

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=jwnl -DartifactId=jwnl -Dversion=1.3.3
-Dfile=/home/david/jwnl-1.3.3.jar -Dpackaging=jar

Now it builds.

So are my experiences normal or is the maven install broken? If this is
common then hopefully this helps someone going thru the same experience.



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