Hi Sabine,

Yes, you can do that by loading your ontology in ontonet and then refer to
that in the call to reasoners.

1. Create a Scope within Ontonet using your ontology. This is an example
creating the scope "People" using foaf as core ontology:

curl -v -L -X PUT

(HTTP/1.1 201 Created)

2. when you call the reasoner you can refer to the scope, ex:

http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/rdf.php?member=enrico-daga"; -H "Accept:

To save the result of a reasoning to a graph you should put the graph name
as value of the target parameter.
For example, if you want to use the graph of the contenthub, you can pass

curl "http://localhost:8080/reasoners/rdfs/classify?url=<my rdf

In principle, if you post the result of the enhancements to reasoners and
your ontology make sense of them in some way, then you should have the
inferences saved to the contenthub.


On 9 June 2013 11:23, Sabine Schmidt <sabine.schm...@studium.uni-erlangen.de
> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I am trying to build an application using Apache Stanbol which:
> 1.    recognizes entities from DBpedia
> 2.    classifies these entities using reasoners and my own OWL ontology in
> ontonet (the ontology is supposed to classify the entities by defining my
> own superclass for dcterms:subject)
> 3.    saves the reasoning results back to contenthub so I can query them
> with sparql
> I have some questions:
> a)    Is this possible at all with stanbol?
> b)    If not is there probably another way to reach the same result with
> stanbol (classify extracted terms with own ontology)
> c)    I was trying to use the target parameter of reasoners to store the
> enhancements in contenthub. Is this the right way to do this? If yes what
> do
> I have to enter for the target parameter?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Sabine

Enrico Daga

skype: enri-pan

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