Thanks Rupert for your answer. It's very informative.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Rupert Westenthaler <> wrote:

> Hi Manish,
> Currently ReferencedSite do not know what properties are present.
> Generally it is not easy to know what properties are present, as this
> depends on may things in the configuration of the Entityhub Indexing
> Tool. In the case of Freebase one needs to consider two
> configurations:
> * mappings.txt used to index the site, as it defines the properties
> that will be indexed.
> * propertyfilter.config as it defines import filter that will exclude
> some RDF triples from being imported form the RDF dump to the Jena TDB
> (used as source for the indexing)
> Only properties that are enabled by both filters will be present in the
> index!
> An other (pragmatic) possibility to determine available properties is
> to search for a very famous Entity of the type you are interested
> (e.g. Barack Obama for Persons) and request this Entity from the
> ReferencedSite
> http://localhost:8080/entityhub/site/freebase/entity?id=
> As famous Entities usually do have values for all properties this as
> also a pragmatic possibility to check what properties are present.
> If you used the default configuration to create the freebase index the
> following properties of your example should be present
> >         "rdf:type",
> >         "fb:people.person.date_of_birth",
> >         "fb:people.person.nationality",
> >         "fb:people.person.date_of_birth",
> The following properties are not included
> >         "fb:people.person.gender"
> imported in Jena TDB, but excluded in mappings.txt.
> and
> >         "fb:common.topic",
> is not a property but a category (see
> for properties defined
> under this category
> If you want to have other/more properties to be included you will need
> to change the above mentioned configurations accordingly and create an
> new index. The default configuration of the Freebase Indexing tool is
> optimized for the use with the Stanbol Enhancer for EntityLinking.
> best
> Rupert
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 3:11 PM, Manish Aggarwal <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using fiedQuery:
> >
> > {
> >     "selected": [
> >         "rdf:type",
> >         "fb:people.person.date_of_birth",
> >         "fb:people.person.children",
> >         "fb:common.topic",
> >         "fb:people.person.nationality",
> >         "fb:people.person.gender"
> >         ],
> >     "offset": "0",
> >     "limit": "5",
> >     "constraints": [{
> >         "type": "text",
> >         "language": "en",
> >         "text": "Roger",
> >         "field": "http:\/\/\/2000\/01\/rdf-schema#label"
> >      }]
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> > Reagrds,
> > Manish
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler   
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen

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