
The trace suggests a IOException while writing to the OutputStream of
the Servlet request. It is thrown by Freemaker while serializing a
POJO using a Template. This indicates the rendering of a HTTP page of
the Stanbol UI).

I revision 1494021 I improve the Error message for this Exception to
include the Template, the rendered Object as well as the Class for the
rendered Object. So when it happens again one will be able to see the
type of response that was causing this.


On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Joseph M'Bimbi-Bene
<jbi...@object-ive.com> wrote:
> I got it from the restful service but once in a while and i just get
> "invalid query" as a result in the web console. This problem with the web
> UI is quite random and I lost track of it in the logs.
> can you elaborate on
> "HTTP connection was already
> closed when the Stanbol Enhancer tried to serialize the enhancement
> results." please ? I'm interested in the inner mechanisms but cannot spend
> XX hours on the code. Do Stanbol perform http calls to linking engines or
> whatever when processing the text ? I thought it didn't do so, but i guess
> i was making a mistake
> 2013/6/17 Rupert Westenthaler <rupert.westentha...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Joseph,
>> Exception like that indicate that the HTTP connection was already
>> closed when the Stanbol Enhancer tried to serialize the enhancement
>> results.
>> Do you get those with the Stanbol default UI or when using the RESTful
>> services? It might also be related to the timeouts mentioned in your
>> earlier mail.
>> best
>> Rupert
>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Joseph M'Bimbi-Bene
>> <jbi...@object-ive.com> wrote:
>> > Hello everybody, i sometimes get the following error
>> >
>> > 06.06.2013 19:11:22.092 *WARN* [15010379@qtp-8593864-295]
>> > org.apache.felix.http.jetty /enhancer/chain/EDFEnhancement
>> > (java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mortbay.jetty.EofException)
>> > java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mortbay.jetty.EofException
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> org.apache.stanbol.commons.viewable.writer.impl.ViewableWriter.renderPojo(ViewableWriter.java:93)
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> org.apache.stanbol.commons.viewable.writer.impl.ViewableWriter.writeTo(ViewableWriter.java:74)
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > Caused by: org.mortbay.jetty.EofException
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> org.mortbay.jetty.AbstractGenerator$Output.write(AbstractGenerator.java:633)
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> org.mortbay.jetty.AbstractGenerator$Output.write(AbstractGenerator.java:579)
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent$Writer.write(WebComponent.java:307)
>> >
>> >    at
>> >
>> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse$CommittingOutputStream.write(ContainerResponse.java:134)
>> >
>> >    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.writeBytes(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implWrite(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.write(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.write(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at java.io.OutputStreamWriter.write(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at java.io.Writer.write(Unknown Source)
>> >
>> >    at freemarker.core.DollarVariable.accept(DollarVariable.java:76)
>> >
>> >    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(Environment.java:221)
>> >
>> >    at freemarker.core.MixedContent.accept(MixedContent.java:92)
>> >
>> >    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit(Environment.java:221)
>> >
>> >
>> > I just try to enhance plain text. What can be the problem ?
>> --
>> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
>> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
>> | A-5500 Bischofshofen

| Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
| Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
| A-5500 Bischofshofen

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