
Do you have the Sentiment dictionaries available in the launcher? For
English the


Bundle. Without a dictionary you will not get any results. So this
could be the reason for the missing sentiment value.

The chain looks fine. However you should not use two chunker so I
recommend to remove the pos-chunker and keep the opennlp one.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 8:11 AM,  <zahoorahmed.k...@cognizant.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to do a sentiment analysis for the sample input “this is not a
> good product”. I have created a weighted chain and added engines like
> sentiment-wordclassifier ( required , SentimentEngine)
> sentiment-summarization ( required , SentimentSummarizationEngine)
> langid ( required , LangIdEnhancementEngine)
> opennlp-sentence ( required , OpenNlpSentenceDetectionEngine)
> opennlp-token ( required , OpenNlpTokenizerEngine)
> opennlp-pos ( required , OpenNlpPosTaggingEngine)
> opennlp-chunker ( required , OpenNlpChunkingEngine)
> pos-chunker ( required , PosChunkerEngine)
> the output in the enchancer I am getting is
> Extracted entities
> Language
> en
> conf: unknown
> It is only recognizing the language. What I should to get a proper output. I
> am a beginner in stanbol and exploring it. kindly help.
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